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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. If the Nazis had message boards, I'm not sure even they would have been so quick to point out the flaws of other posters.
  2. I'm worried that I won't get to the bar near my house early enough to claim the good TV with sound and that I will have to witness this glorious victory in less-than-perfect comfort. Or maybe that the beer will not be delicious enough.
  3. Exact opposite of last year. After week 2, we were everybody's number one darling and we proceeded to plummet almost all the way to the bottom.
  4. Right you are! http://www.nuglops.com/images/don_vito_lenny.jpg
  5. It's so awesome, I almost can't hardly stand it. I love reading some of the stories the last few Mondays. The other teams talk like they are so totally demoralized by the defeat that they don't know what they can do to bounce back. We are DESTROYING people. Very very satisfying.
  6. (bump) Agreed. I loved it. It's surprisingly funny in parts too.
  7. Let's say Drew gets knocked out tomorrow on the first play. We're still in the playoff race. Does JP come in, or Shane? The Bills' website still shows Shane as the #2. I know most of you will say it doesn't really matter if JP is ready because if Shane comes in, we're screwed anyway. But I'm not so sure. Who gives us the best chance to win right now, JP "Hi, I'm the new guy" Losman or Shane "I'm not Joe Dufek" Mathews?
  8. Nobody else likes Home Alone? I actually like Home Alone I AND II
  9. This girl is cute, sure. But this is the big leagues baby! Jessica blows this JC Penney catalogue garbage out of the water. Sorry.
  10. I STILL can't believe it. I wish he were still alive.
  11. Actually, I believe the Bills will win. I just had to say that because all the unbridled enthusiasm had JINX written all over it.
  12. Browns 30 Bills 17 Bills fans go "d'oh!" and once again realize they have wasted countless hours calculating playoff scenario percentages. It's called the "If We Can Just Run The Table" complex.
  13. Whoa... not so fast. To quote Harvey Keitel from Reservoir Dogs, "Let's not start sucking each others' c@&!s just yet, gentlemen."
  14. If you meet the Buddha on the road... RE-SIGN HIM!
  15. I'm waiting for somebody to show us a quote from Ice in 1990 saying, "bench Jim Kelly, he's washed up."
  16. Reminds me of the scene from Naked Gun: Capt. Ed Hocken: Doctors say that Nordberg has a 50 - 50 chance of living, though there's only a 10 percent chance of that.
  17. I don't know. Here's a more recent pic... http://www.70slivekidvid.com/sigmund/sigmund2.jpg
  18. Not so fast. Two words: SOUP CHICKEN http://www.eonline.com/Facts/People/Photos...itaen.tawny.jpg
  19. What's the difference between an SUV and a porcupine? A porcupine has pricks on the OUTSIDE
  20. CHARLIZE THERON SCENARIOS: Ok, here's what I see having to happen for me to have sex with Charlize Theron this year. As I see it, I'm gonna need 5 of these 6 things to happen: 1. Somehow 75% of the world's most attractive males spontaneously get leprosy 2. Collapse of world economy, causing Pavement cd's to be the single most valuable form of currency 3. World War III happens and it turns out only super-hot blonde movie stars and dorky Buffalo Bills fans are immune to radiation poisoning. 4. I win a bet with Bill Gates, so we switch bank accounts 5. She finally reads all of my love letters and discovers that I am charming as hell 6. The Jets lose all 4 of their remaining games and I kidnap Charlize Theron
  21. True. To be fair, I really should have compared similar poses. Damn, this football analysis stuff is hard!
  22. Who else is sick of all the Bledsoe talk? I think the following will clearly show that it is a big waste of time. Here's Drew looking like a great big dork: http://www.wsvn.com/images/news_articles/a...rew_bledsoe.jpg I mean, who cares right? Except maybe for a laugh. Now here's a shot of Charlize Theron: http://www.charlizeonline.com/photos/new11...e-theron-16.jpg I rest my case. Thank you very much.
  23. I was flipping around and I saw a glimpse of Charlize. mmm, Charleeeeeeeze B)
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