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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I don't like his name... DONAHOE. It's stupid. I don't like saying it. Pisses me off a little bit. Guy's a jerk.
  2. Could be. A few NFL people still believe that, including Parcells. I'd be surprised if he has much success in Dallas. If he proves me wrong, I'll be happy for him. For me, I gave up hope when I watched a press conference after another listless statue-esque zero TD performance where Drew seemed indignant. It was like whatever fire he may have had was gone and replaced with stubborn denial.
  3. When did Drew's career turn sour? His first few years, he looked like the next Marino. In fact, I remember quite a few exciting QB shootouts between Dan & Drew, with TD passes and 400 yard performances flying all over the place. So, when did it turn to crap? Most people will say it was that shot to the chest that almost killed Drew and made Tom Brady a star. But maybe it was before that. Remember all those pathetic last place years for the Pats? Maybe it was when he signed that ludicrous $100 million (or whatever) contract. Or was it later, with the Bills, when there were several weeks in a row without an offensive TD? When exactly do you think Drew jumped the shark? Was there a particular moment when you knew it was over?
  4. As long as I don't see JP in a creepy S.I. hot tub pictorial... Looking back, that truly was the Jump-The-Shark moment for the RJ era.
  5. Actually, there have been modifications to the logo, even recently. Here's the official version from 1994 to present: http://www.animationlibrary.com/Animation1...kunk_stinks.gif
  6. I'm with ya on the Utica Club. You would be wise to pour that stuff directly into the toilet bowl and save yourself the horrific experience of having your intestines scraped out.
  7. Did you know?: Your avatar, Michael Richards, actually climbed Everest. At least he claimed to have done it when he appeared on The Dating Game a long time ago.
  8. Check that. I see now that you actually registered 3 days before I did. Weird. p.s. I like Rochester. I lived there for a couple years after college. That was about 10 years ago now. It suited me fine. There were plenty of bars (a few withing walking distance even!) and a good variety of restaurants. I was in the Monroe Ave. / East Ave area. I loved going to the Little Theatre (lots of good Indie & foreign movies).
  9. Hey, I thought I was the gringo around here.
  10. If Jesus is everything you say He is, then doesn't it seem like He would gladly forgive a little skepticism? Or is He, in addition to being Divine, also quite insecure?
  11. Rumors are popping up to suggest that poor old Dave is losing it bad... http://www.loosie.com/words/archives/2005/05/000557.php http://www.velvetrope.com/ubbthreads/showf...=7&fpart=2&vc=1
  12. Here's what the pessimist in me takes away from this article: JP can't even take the ball from center. Two fumbled exchanges in a row? Then he sails passes too high. Then he says he is pleased with the practice. JP is a hothead! He curses at himself. Wyche says he "gets madder than a riled-up hornet's nest when things don't go right." Then Wyche says he doesn't THINK he's going to lose control. Hmmm. The coaches make mistakes and need to be corrected by the new guy QB. Just kidding. I actually like our chances with JP. I'm just trying to break the big fat JINX that is being created with all the premature high praise.
  13. If I say, "Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's father is my father's son," who am I talking about?
  14. Yeah, but this girl--your girlfriend's sister's roommate--is she hot?
  15. I had a chance to see him twice. I think he was one of the true young talents of comedy. Very funny. Very underappreciated.
  16. Here's one I've done a couple times with great success: If you work with someone who works in Word a lot, you can sneak onto their computer and go into Autocorrect. You can make it so that what they type gets changed all around. The possibilities are endless. Here are some random suggestions... "If" becomes "If you think" "please" -> "why doncha" "I" -> "I begrudgingly" "the" -> "the everlovin'" "thank you" -> "it's about time" "Sincerely" -> "Str8 pimpin'" "because" - > "cuz guess what, B word?" This will make anything they write come off as ludicrously insane and they won't know why. It's especially great for people who regularly write letters to customers.
  17. I know. Day 2 and no pics? For shame! Sweater Candy: http://www.writersmarch.com/football/image...rk_05122003.jpg http://ufflonline.com/TeamPages/stark.jpg
  18. I'll join any posse that encourages general idiotic drunken behavior. The worship of washed up cheeseball 80's TV beefcake / failed pop star wannabe's confuses me a little though.
  19. He who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with smelly finger.
  20. Yes, thank you. The exact Jump The Shark moment: "RRRRRRROFF to neva-neva-laaaand!"
  21. This is the saddest OLD MAN thread I have ever come across. I think you all need to get your hearing aids fixed, then stop getting all your cd's at WalMart. Then go read a couple issues of Mojo and begin to accept the existence of a little thing called The 21st Century.
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