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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I have. I play Songs About Fugging at max volume when my psyche needs to be scraped raw. (Interchangeably with Ministry and a few others).
  2. I'm proud to say I own 9 of these 10 albums (all except the Prince). The Radiohead I don't listen to though because I think it sucks.
  3. Hey, thank you! It's terribly exciting--today I am officially All Washed Up!
  4. Well said! I agree completely, but for me, just replace the word "homework" with "drinking." That way everybody wins!
  5. So you're not just some argumentative nut who picks fights with people? You're actually a vital agent of chaos theory who helps give spice to life, making the world a better place? Since it's your birthday, I will accept this.
  6. I just tried to ignore myself. I got an error message that said I cannot ignore user gringo starr. I guess we'll never know what would happen. It's like dividing by zero... if you ignore yourself, the whole universe might turn inside-out.
  7. I'll put in for that too. Also, while you're there, make a big stink about the stupid names for the cup sizes. Why is the small called tall? And what's this crap with the venti? You go in there and ask for a medium something and they act like you're some kind of trash. I'd like to take a busload of crap throwing chimps in there... mess up the place real good!
  8. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's weak. That's some shaky logic right there. I haven't seen an argument that weak since that guy from NAMBLA was on Howard Stern trying to say what they do is beautiful.
  9. That's ok because Bugs gets to play Elmer for the fool!
  10. I've always been uncomfortable with the mocking of animals that we eat. For example, the barbecue places that always have some cartoon pig in an apron with a big smile, apparently cooking up his delicious little pig friends. It's hard to demonstrate deductively that this is wrong, but it sure seems in incredibly poor taste to me. Native Americans liked to pay respect for the animals that gave up their lives to sustain us. I guess it doesn't really matter in the end, but this seems way more mature to me.
  11. This year I predict another TD blockbuster as he signs the Fantastic Four on opening day. That rock guy will fill the hole at LT, giving JP all the time he needs to find that rubber guy open over the middle (he catches everything!). In the red zone, Invisible Girl is the ultimate weapon. She just appears in the corner of the end zone and blam...TD every time. Plus she's pretty hot too. That fire guy, I don't know, maybe we could use him to create a diversion on special teams or something. I predict that Moulds will restructure to make room under the cap for this. Record: 16-0, AFC champs, first Bills Superbowl win! (85-3 over the Falcons).
  12. Here's my hasty uninformed opinion of chiropractic... Start with a strong accounts receivable department. Then start making wild promises (pain relief, increased energy, sexual performance, spiritual healing, etc...) to get people interested. Then give 'em the old, "well, this takes time...dedication...many many visits" spiel to keep 'em coming back.
  13. These are good arguments, but for me, the most significant factor is FEELING. I am against mistreating animals because it seems clear to me that the result is profoundly unpleasant for them.
  14. About a year ago (all caught up in off-season enthusiasm), I predicted that Drew was gonna have a rebirth in '04. With the teams professed commitment to the Power Running Game, McNally getting the O-line in shape with big Mike, etc... I thought Drew was gonna do what Elway did in the 90's. I posted stats from Elway & the Broncos that showed (I thought) how a good run game could make a QB look like a genius. That Elway's stats (like Bledsoe's) were actually shaky for a number of years, but that he came on strong with 2 titles at the end of his career, thanks to a better system... just like the Bills! Ha! What a shmuck I was.
  15. I think she's a very good drummer. Really. And I'm not just saying that because of her signature uhm...bouncy style.
  16. You may be right... http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod...masterid=375663
  17. My paper Celestial Seasonings container has a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson which warns against this attitude specifically.
  18. Beerball, your paper coffee cup makes an interesting point. My paper oatmeal packet concedes this point and hastens to add that human beings are not in fact as wonderful as they often try to make themselves out to be.
  19. I just saw them live at Music Midtown in Atlanta. They are pretty impressive live. I have the new album, but so far I don't like it as much as the earlier ones (De Stijl is the best one).
  20. 1. I'm against the ammendment because it would unnecessarily restrict freedom. 2. It would be ridiculous because it would actually CAUSE many people to burn the flag in protest. Absolutely no need for this. I don't see flag burning as a serious problem in my life (or anybody's) right now.
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