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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. big·ot - NOUN: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
  2. Ted Nugent: pushy, self-righteous and ignorant. That's the Arsehole Triple Crown! (plus his music sucks too)
  3. Paging Dr. Handjob. Dr. Handjob to the stimulation lab.
  4. Wow, I didn't realize I was still so angry about that...
  5. I think he better WAKE UP AND GET RID OF THE BALL!
  6. A mystery wrapped in an enigma enshrined in a statue!
  7. It STRENGTHENS, dammit! Then again, my credibility & objectivity go way down.
  8. A few things that struck me from watching on Saturday... 1. Nice of Roger to acknowledge Syd right before "Wish You Were Here." 2. They sounded great, but it was sad to see so many "helper" musicians propping them up. 3. The MTV crew should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell for interrupting the performance to give some lame commentary and then cutting away before the end.
  9. Yeah, and what's with the lame pornstar-sounding name? Rod Woodson
  10. I feel that this quiz does not represent the true Canadian heritage, which is a hell of a lot more Beer & Stripper oriented in my opinion.
  11. Actually, it was more like a couple months ago... It was before the ghosts of trillion-year-old space aliens got to Katie Holmes.
  12. Tom Cruise was on the Daily Show about a month ago. It was disappointingly tame. I learned 2 things though... 1. John Stewart is too much of a nice guy to attack a guest of his. 2. Tom Cruise is more vacant than I thought (and I've hated that fugger for decades).
  13. I would just like to point out that this post contained references to Hot Pockets, 9-11, "God Bless America," Charlie Brown and Paris Hilton. I have no idea what it all means, but it's amusing to me anyway. Ooooh... and "Senators pissing all over each other."
  14. Thanks. You have embiggened my knowledge. Now I'm like, a better person or something.
  15. "Jump The Shark" is the moment something (usually a TV show) begins to suck. On Happy Days, in the later years, there was an episode where Fonzie actually jumped a shark on water skis. This is sort of held up as a perfect example of a show having run out of ideas. Other people suggest that the true "Jump The Shark" moment for Happy Days was when Ted McGinnley joined. (Strangely, Ted McGinnley is a Jump The Shark candidate for several other shows, including Married With Children and The Love Boat). Anyway, the Jump The Shark idea has taken off. There's a pretty funny website about it all... http://www.jumptheshark.com/
  16. Can someone briefly explain the meaning of all the Hot Pockets references? Somehow I missed how this got started. p.s. No, I'm not retarded.
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