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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I vote KEEP IT. I like it when I can identify people by their avatar. I'm gonna keep mine (although I have to find a better quality image of it).
  2. He just wanted to throw in that line about only one TD pass vs. 11 turnovers. You can make just about anybody look awful if you pick their four worst games and say that they are the only ones that mattered. Everybody already knows (or should) that Bledsoe can't produce anymore. It's stupid for Easterbrook to be so sloppy with stats--that's something bad writers do. He's usually better than that.
  3. The new Drew (Drew who?), Haddad, is the true Drew! The others are through. Who knew? From me to you... his time is due... We'll see this Drew playing for you... opening day in red white & blue. (damn this is good coffee)
  4. Yeah, but what's the over/under on how many times she gets sacked tonight?
  5. ...right next to the infamous alarm clock, arranged nicely on a night table with perhaps a glass of warm milk.
  6. Under. In fact, I predict Drew does well tonight (leads a couple scoring drives). I'm as glad as anyone that we dumped him, but tonight, against a bad D, in preseason, I say he looks good. Wait until week 3 or 4 of the regular season for the breakdown.
  7. I thought both were very good. It's a good summer for comedy. Anybody see The Aristocrats? Pretty damn funny.
  8. Ooh, I hope your dog is right. They can push the trial to the offseason and Willis doesn't miss a game. I can live with that.
  9. Do you think he stays for special teams (and 4th QB) or does Mathews have to take a walk?
  10. I hope George Wilson wins the coveted final WR spot, also known as "The Clarence Coleman Award For Excellence In Training Camp."
  11. I say nobody scores a single TD against us all year, Pats included. Maybe somebody gets a lucky FG once in a while. Total points against us for the year: about 15. (Wow, this is good coffee)
  12. Amen! Absolutely. Teams are gonna be scared of us.
  13. Welcome. It's gonna be a very exciting year.
  14. Oh, sweet bobblehead Jesus! I read something like this and I start to shake my head as I re-live so many painful memories. Then I start to laugh as I realize that this is some other jerk's problem now. And all of those bad feelings start to wash away finally and I feel as if I'm reborn and all the world is filled with wonderful new possibilities. Then come the tears, as the joy becomes almost too much. God bless you Drew Bledsoe, you magnificent lead-footed, yellow-seeing, 4th quarter-fumbling bastard!
  15. I just asked my wise and saintly dog, Billie, what she thinks of Willis' injury status. She tilted her head a little to one side, wagged her tail a few times, then went over and laid down by the sliding glass door. Any dog owner can tell you what that means: degenerative bone disease. Doomed.
  16. I hope the next guy you talk to is a mental health professional.
  17. I'm not nauseous, but I am extremely anxious to watch a game that counts... Bills 31 Texans 17 (Losman thrills and amazes with a 300 yd, 2td performance)
  18. Can I come in for a nice hot plate of retatta? With extra pickle juice to cure what ails me?
  19. I'm so sorry--I don't know First Down Man. I hope this does not destroy my credibility completely. Also, I don't fall... I lay down where I please, sometimes quite spontaneously.
  20. Does anybody else not know what this thread is about?
  21. Everybody knows you have to give 110% in the National Football League. We may be able to compensate a little by taking it one game at a time and stressing that all eleven guys work together out there, but seriously... we're doomed!
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