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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Sh*t f@*k!!! Monkey f@*k son of a sh*t c*ck ass eating mutherf%#king bullsh*t!!
  2. What the !@#$ is it that happens to this !@#$ team when the !@#$ 1st quarter ends?
  3. It looks like that one guy paid the price with his fingers.
  4. If you say so... http://www.younghollywoodhof.com/drina/cameron.jpg
  5. I have tremendous respect for this post, for several reasons... 1. Shows faith in JP and the team 2. Excellent use of the courage-enhancing benefits of alcohol 3. Recognizes frivolity of fantasy football
  6. I really don't have a feel for how this game will go, on either side of the ball. But my heart says Willis gets the run game going early, then JP uses the ol' play action to shred Atlanta's mediocre pass defense. Then we go back to Willis in the fourth to wrap it up. 31-10 Bills. Willis gets 2, JP throws for 2. Lindell gets more points kicking extra points than field goals for a change.
  7. Reminds me of a funny story... The band Sonic Youth, whenever they played in Japan (or anywhere non-English-speaking) would finish the show by saying "Thank you, good night. Punch your balls off." I've always kind of liked that (the phrase, not actually punching my balls off).
  8. I like how the modeling community is all like, "oh my god, we can't condone that sort of behavior, we're shocked," etc... I call shenanigans! The whole freaking industry is built on cocaine!
  9. I'm with ya! I've snapped out of my anger-bargaining-depression cycle and now I'm not sure if I'm in denial or what, but I'm ready to kick some ass! 31-10 sounds about right.
  10. I agree. It's the kind of decision that gets made out of FEAR. Fear of liability, fear of getting in trouble, fear of getting sued. The hyper-litigious, bureaucratic aspects of our culture tend to bring out the worst in people. Inevitable result: the little guy gets burned.
  11. Of course, we could all guess JP's reaction: "Awesome!"
  12. Mularkey can show up in flip-flops, lime green tube top, eyepatch and a cockring for all I care. We're still doooooooomed.
  13. The day somebody puts a computer chip inside of a football is the day life becomes 100% not worth living.
  14. I'm stuck in the anger-bargaining-depression sub-loop. I just keep going around and around. I think this calls for some aggressive self-medication therapy.
  15. News flash: Direct TV is not available in some areas.
  16. There's no other way. DirectTV still holds the exclusive rights on this and you can't get anything other than the whole package. Looks like it will be this way for a few years.
  17. Can we thank you yet, or do we still have to wait a while?
  18. A great musician and possibly the coolest, nicest person ever.
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