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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Not busting on the report (it's probably true)--just goofing on the super-cheesy looking web page.
  2. 4:35pm- Mike Mularkey clinches the HC job when he shows up at the interview with Ralph and Marv with a fresh bag of Werther's Originals.
  3. Dig the super far-out outer space background.
  4. I think we the fans can at least look forward to more down-to-earth, honest info from the GM's office. I don't particularly dislike TD, but I was getting pretty damn sick of the blah blah double-speak stuff that has been going around lately. I get enough of that BS at work. I think Marv knows what time it is and won't hesitate to say it.
  5. I dare say there are a handful of people on this board who I would trust (as GM or Head Coach) to do better than five wins with this team.
  6. ...and I hope a bus full of JoeSixPack's Babe's Of The Day shows up at my house to have sex with me and do all my housework.
  7. Any discerning music fan will appreciate the sweet soothing sounds of the Butthole Surfers... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006I04...3-7959328?n=130
  8. http://www.foxhome.com/officespace/officeSpaceGame.php
  9. Cute girl. Dumber than a clump of dirt out in the road drying in the afternoon sunshine.
  10. ...and yet here you are, posting on the wall like a man! Bravo, sir! Hey, JP, you better take notice. You candy-ass punk! Mr. JP "I-can't-play-the-game-I-love-and-get-paid-millions-for-because-I-have-a-bruise-on-my-thigh" Losman. With your Little Bo Peep haircut and your 49% completion rate. Strap on the nads, son! (sorry, long day...)
  11. I really want to see this, but I missed my chance for a while. It was playing here in Atlanta at one theatre for about 15 seconds and is gone now. I guess I'll just wait for the dvd.
  12. Sure, Showtime sucks, but at least the show would still be out there and we would still be able to get the dvd's when they come out.
  13. Holy crap, every single slack-ass punk on this team needs to read this article and learn something!
  14. One more quick plug for the movie How's Your News. http://www.howsyournews.com/ Anyone interested in the topics in this thread would like this movie. It really is funny. And it really is done in a way that is respectful. Has anyone seen this movie who can back me up on this? I've recommended it to lots of friends and they always say it's great.
  15. I agree 100%. By the way, have you ever heard of a movie called How's Your News? Here's a link... http://www.howsyournews.com/ It's a perfect example of using humor in a positive way. If you find this movie and watch it, you will be glad you did. No kidding, it's really great.
  16. I have some thoughts on the use of the word "retard." I worked for two years doing direct care at a group home for developmentally disabled adults. I can say that when the word pops up (on TV, movies, out in public...) and they hear it, it does hurt. As a result, if you work in that environment, that particular word gains a great deal of stigma and power. It's like Lenny Bruce said, a bad word actually gains power from its being repressed. I would sometimes find myself feeling the need to say it out loud. Most of the people I worked with talked about this too. It's a hard job and with all the frustrations that build up, sometimes when you're away from work and away from the residents, you just wanna scream about how these "f***ing retards" are driving you crazy. In my opinion, this does not take anything away from the fact that you care about these people. It's just a matter of venting something that builds up. I don't think it's a bad thing to use the word, but you should always be careful about how and when. Many people are very sensitive about it, not just mentally disabled people themselves, but family members and people who work with developmental disabilities.
  17. Apart from all other failures, the use of the word "product" in this context makes me sick.
  18. Losman 3/14 71yds. 1 INT McGahee 6att. 5yds. S. Williams 3att. 4yds (I take back all the bad things I ever said about Wade Phillips)
  19. Update... Losman 3/12 71 yds. 1 INT* McGahee 5att 4yds S.Williams 2att. 2yds. *against yet another decimated secondary, no less report on McGahee: "blow to the head; return questionable"
  20. Losman 1/6 58yds. 1 INT McGahee 4att. 3yds.
  21. They rope-a-dope for the first quarter, getting our hopes up with an early lead. Then they go to work with the body punches the rest of the way to thoroughly destroy our spirit.
  22. I caught the show this summer in Atlanta. Excellent. J is insane with the volume. He'll stand right in front of the stack and actually stick his ear against the speaker. I don't know how a human ear can withstand that. Then again, I kind of suspected he was from outer space since the first time I heard him play.
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