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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ok, here's mine... "You wouldn't know a classy broad if she took a dump on your head."
  2. Whudja do, agree to go on a hot air balloon trip around the world or somethin'?
  3. I'm so sick of all these freaking posts to the tune of "I Wish I Were An Oscar Meyer Weiner" about how there are so many Sabres threads and the feelings of jealousy it causes among those who don't follow hockey and, possibly, therefore, feel left out somehow.
  4. I watched last night's game online. It was awesome. On the highest speed, it would skip a little bit, so I knocked it down to "medium broadband" and no problems at all. http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl
  5. Maybe this is sad, but I STILL play this game sometimes.
  6. But you have to be a Comcast subscriber, correct?
  7. Again, a really excellent point! You seem to have a deep understanding of the government and its role in protecting the consumer. Have you considered running for public office?
  8. I'm gonna try the Yahoo feed tonight. Does it work ok? Does the video keep up or does it skip all over the place?
  9. That's a wonderful point! Because everybody knows it's physically impossible to give a nice-sounding name to something that is bad. That's why, when the Nazis first got together and they wanted to call themselves The Sunshine Fairytale Goodtime Gang, it was rejected.
  10. CWCTASMARU = Car Wash Change Thief Action Squad Mobile Auto Response Unit That episode was on TV the other day. It's awesome when, in the re-enactment, the car wash employee they hire to play the husband in the re-enactment steals the re-enactment change before they are able to film the re-enactment. Brilliant!
  11. That's the only possible exception. Anybody under the age of 90 seen using those things should be asked, "did you just have surgery for a twisted testicle?" If they say no, twist their testicle and say, "well, you're about to."
  12. I especially want to beat up those lame bastards who can't even carry their backpack--it's on that wheels-on-a-stick thing that no self-respecting able-bodied person would ever consider using.
  13. After reading this thread, I'm not sure where I stand on the soda in school issue, but I'm sure about one thing: I wanna go out and beat the crap out of some of these fat ass kids. Buncha pussies. Who's with me?
  14. I'm trying really hard to have some compassion for this stupid fugger, but I just can't quite figure out how to feel sorry for him. It's just not happening. I just can't get past the fact that he makes me want to puke.
  15. I think this sums up quite well the flawed logic of the eternal pessimist.
  16. Well, 'ats true 'nuff, i'nnit? Good show, guvnah. A bloke can tell that bloody well 'nuff from just from the telly. Cheers!
  17. I find it hard to debate about something I honestly don't completely understand. Even the so-called experts can't agree. But I do know this: If the Bills leave Buffalo, I am going to punch everyone in the USA right in the mouth. Every man, woman and child. Then I'm gonna lay down on the ground and cry for about six months, then I'm gonna die of loneliness.
  18. Here's where Draconator lives... http://plooble.typepad.com/bleef/dumb_and_stupid.JPG
  19. Public Enema? What the hell's a public enema?
  20. This is interesting. A weird thing happens after you look at these for a couple minutes. At first, the retouched versions look way better and the raw image looks like a monster. Then, after a little while, the girls begin to look much better in the originals and the retouches start to look like ridiculous cartoon caricatures.
  21. Note to God: Please destroy the human race now. Thank you.
  22. So true! Let this be the end of the Quarterback-killer era.
  23. Isn't that kinda like sayin', "if he fails, then he fails?" ...and then we get to say I toldja so? Sounds like Defeatism to me.
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