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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Are you kidding? It's hard enough to do that kind of work when the horses are standing still.
  2. Wow, that was a pretty sad showing for Team USA. They have less than three weeks to get their act together for the Czechs. They got a long way to go. They looked like children out there.
  3. I was thinking more like the end of Revenge Of The Nerds, but I'm with ya. My name is gringo starr and I'm a soccer nerd.
  4. I think tonight's game is in Nashville.
  5. 2 other warm-ups scheduled... 5/26 - vs. Venezuela 5/28 - vs. Latvia Both are 7pm starts and I think ESPN2 will show these also.
  6. U.S. vs. Morocco. 7pm tonight on ESPN2. It's a friendly match, basically a World Cup warm-up for the U.S. It's their first appearance since naming the official WC team. Could be interesting.
  7. Just a terrible idea. You don't get a mentally challenged guy for a job like that. Reminds me of Altamont, when the Stones hired the Charlie's Angels to do the security and paid them in beer. Use your heads people come on!
  8. You know what's a good Elton John song? "Don't Let Your Son Go Down On Me"
  9. The yellow card for Henry was definitely a load of crap. Other than that, I think it was pretty fair. I don't think the ref had any choice about that red for the keeper.
  10. Was that his in-the-front professional opinion, or his around-back rock & roll party opinion?
  11. For those people who are missing Saturday's game for graduation ceremonies, please don't blame the NHL or TV networks. They are not what's wrong with the world. I say blame the entire educational system. Not only are they doing a piss poor job of preparing our young people for adulthood, but they are forcing you to get dressed up on a Saturday. Do the math: NHL good, college bad.
  12. I'm looking pretty smart about now. All that hard work I've put in alienating myself from the rest of the human race will pay off this Saturday when, having no other obligations, I will be enjoying the Sabres game in the comfort of my own home. Lay back, sip drink, pet dog, watch hockey.
  13. BUMP Just because the Champions League Final is today at 2:30pm on ESPN2. Arsenal vs. Barcelona. I set my VCR so I can watch it after work. (I hope the TIVO nerds will forgive me for still having a VCR). This should be a classic game.
  14. My legal counsel says we should hold out for the Double Stuff.
  15. Maybe I will, as soon as I can pull myself together from having my feelings hurt so bad.
  16. I don't think it's fair to call this a liberal thing. It's just plain moronic. I mean, the ACLU is practically the definition of liberal and even they recognize this is a terrible idea.
  17. This is a very worthwhile cause. I clicked it a bunch of times myself and sent it to some friends of mine. I think he's gonna get there. The girl is pretty cute too.
  18. Wow, a talking gerbil! You're gonna need a good agent. I see a Letterman appearance in your immediate future. Then, who knows--maybe your own daytime talk show. Can you do any singing/dancing? If not, no problem--we can set you up with lessons. Another thing: there are a lot of people out there who are gonna promise you a lot of cheese, but you have to be careful. Most of these scumbags just want to take advantage of you. You're gonna be getting a bunch of calls from a guy named Richard Gere. Very important: DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN!
  19. I just went yesterday. I thought it was pretty cool. If you're interested in human anatomy at all, I don't think you'll be disappointed. They do a really good job with all the displays. There is a lot to see. All kinds of full-size bodies, cross-sections showing how each system in the body works, individual organs and examples of the major diseases that affect the organs. In my opinion, it was definitely worth the $20. Also, we went on a Sunday afternoon and were able to get right in with no wait.
  20. I can't believe this is real. I'm just kind of speechless. I'm kind of choking on my own rage here.
  21. T-Bone: Team-Swapping Whore, The Motion Picture? (oops, wrong thread)
  22. That's ok. I picked a lousy LIFETIME to be a Bills fan.
  23. If you don't think Ghandi is comedy, then I guess you just don't appreciate good slapstick.
  24. Well done! I would have accepted either answer. Your turn...
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