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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I'm with you 100% on this. It's utter garbage! But then again, I suffer from Acute Medical Information Induced Exasperation Disorder. So, I'm chemically compelled to feel this way--I have no control over it.
  2. http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11134
  3. If USA gets out of Group E, saliva won't be the only body fluid spilled on this thing!
  4. But the number of the beast isn't 666, it's 616. A report came out a couple years ago proving this, much to the embarrassment of Iron Maiden and to the dismay of the city of Grand Rapids, MI whose area code suddenly got a lot scarier.
  5. I'm so excited, I almost can't stand it. This is a great concise schedule with all the TV times... http://www.soccertv.com/wc-us.cfm I printed it out to drool over. Every single game is televised, on ESPN, ESPN2 or ABC (in HD for all you fancy lads, no less).
  6. Two points... 1. No way does this need to be a felony. (Up to 20 years? Give me a break, the kid's 18). 2. Dammit kid, didn't anybody ever tell you to keep your fool ass mouth shut when the cops are asking you questions? Moron!
  7. I hope there's a follow-up article that says something like, "31 Drunk Englishmen Pummel Nosy Researcher To Death, World A Better Place"
  8. At first, I thought this would be a soccer thread since the Cup starts in a week. But my work blocked the link as "Tasteless and Offensive," so I can only assume that you guys are planning some kind of satanic gay orgy. Well, you can count me out! I'll be busy watching soccer games. Either that, or it's a video advocating the drinking of hot beverages out of non-sippy cup type containers. Evil!
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Might as well pull the goalie and try to sneak it out 57-56 in OT.
  10. Birdman http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2005/writers/paul_fo...nts/t1_bird.jpg
  11. Oops, you're right. Venezuela. (I corrected the subject line)
  12. So he uses her for pregame enjoyment and then she gets taken away? I haven't been to a hockey game in a while. Sounds wild!
  13. I'm sure Claudio will sit. They reported that there was no real damage, but they won't push it. I'll be watching the Sabres and taping the soccer game to watch later.
  14. We tried that--there were issues with the reflectors causing seizures in approximately 2% of our staff. Not to mention the chafing! We lost a lot of good men out there.
  15. There was a traumatic incident regarding this, for which I am currently receiving counseling through our Employee Assistance Program. Therefore, I am not at liberty to discuss the specifics, in accordance with our confidentiality policy.
  16. I hereby nominate Sammy The Gerbil, or Not A Hamster or his evil twin or his ghost or whatever.
  17. No kidding, I just got this email at work... Subject: Lids for the coffee cups Beginning immediately we are requiring that everyone begin using lids for all beverages. Thank you for supporting this policy in keeping the Atlanta office safe for all of us. -Your safety committee I don't want to brag, but since the age of 3 or 4, I haven't really considered beverages a significant threat to my well-being. I guess I'm just really tough that way.
  18. Another friendly. I know the last game was a dud, but team USA might actually show up for this one.
  19. Thank you. I feel restlessly pacified by this.
  20. Actually yes. One day while I was at work, she broke into my house and took all my cd's and dvd's out of their cases and scratched them up with a key or something. Then she beat up my dog and she left me a note saying that me & my family will never be safe as long as she lives. Signed Paula Abdul. I mean this all figuratively, of course.
  21. Oops. That's what I get for listening to people without checking the facts. I still say Paula Abdul looks like a homeless Oompaloompah after a rain storm.
  22. 65,000,000 people voted for the new american idol last night. That number is far greater than the total number of people that voted in any presidential election. Can you believe Paula Abdul is famous again? She probably thinks it's because she's great or something. She looks like Herve Villachez (sp?) got hit with Homer Simpson's make-up gun. And those other 2 scrubs... That black guy who calls everybody Dog and that Simon jerk with the square head like he's some kind of British metrosexual frankenstein. What a think tank! They're such unbelievable scrubs, but I can't help picturing them after the taping when they leave and they're wearing the sunglasses and they're barking out orders to their assistants and their in a big hurry because they're so huge and important. I guess Paula Abdul has a bunch of cooks to stuff in her mouth because she promised her pool boys she's gonna make them stars or something. If we can declare war on intangible things like "drugs" and "terror," I think we should definitely start dropping some bombs on "CRAP!"
  23. All countries have a 3-letter official abbreviation. I think the Olympics started this... FRG = France USA = United States etc... Why Morocco is MAR instead of MOR, I have no idea. Unless maybe they're saving MOR in case all the stupid people of the world unite and create a nation called Moronica.
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