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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Soccer video game question: Does anyone know when Winning Eleven 10 will be released in the U.S.? It was released in Japan in April, but I haven't heard anything since then. I actually went out and bought the recent FIFA, World Cup edition, but if you're familiar with the Winning Eleven series, then the FIFA games are crap. It's nice that they have all the licenses, but the game play is garbage compared to Winning Eleven, which is simply the best sports video game series that has ever existed.
  2. Really? I missed that part. What a bunch of losers. I'm glad France gave them something to really feel sour about.
  3. Yesterday's Spain vs. France was awesome! One of the best games so far. Both teams actually trying to win with skill, not dives and BS. Also, the referee did a great job of communicating with the players instead of just reaching for the yellow card every time. I was rooting for France and was pleasantly surprised they were able to pull it out. Before now, it did not seem that France was capable of beating a team like Spain, who I thought really had a shot at winning it all. If they play like this on Saturday against Brazil, it will be an amazing game. The other Saturday game, ENG vs. POR, will be great too. I think this one will be a fight. England will need to step it up to beat Portugal, who has been winning by sheer strength of will it seems. I would love to see Rooney's efforts finally pay off with a goal or two.
  4. Looks like Brazil is starting to crank it up. I see Ronaldo just scored in the 5th minute. I think he took all the fat jokes personally. He's on a tear now! Ghana's dream is over.
  5. Ok. It made me sick too. Up until very recently, I have always respected Bruce Arena. But this is sissy crap. Was it defeatism that made this country great? Hell no! It was greed and blind persistence dammit!
  6. I'm curious which teams people would pick as the dirtiest (diving, committing dirty fouls, faking injuries, stalling, etc...) and the classiest (plays the beautiful game beautifully). Here's what thinking at the moment (I'm sure many will disagree)... DIRTY Italy Netherlands (they really surprised me against Portugal with all the BS) CLASSY Brazil England Spain
  7. Yup. And no commercials! I don't have to be bombarded with weirdos begging me to drink terrible light beers, drive dodge trucks, pop boner pills like tic-tacs, be more X-treme in my soda choices, etc... That's a big plus for me--makes the experience much more enjoyable.
  8. I just checked the schedule and I realized that I have watched 26 of the 53 games so far. It would be more if not for work. A few games I have taped and watched after work. Maybe I have a problem--I don't care though. If loving this game is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
  9. I agree. Some players have class and some don't. But, as in life, the scumbag often gets the glory. With all they yellow & red cards flying around, it's a shame to me that we haven't seen one for diving yet. At least, I haven't seen it happen--maybe someone can correct me on this, but I doubt it. In any case, this is still a great WC overall I think.
  10. This just in: He's alive and well! (alive anyway) ieatcrayonz at home
  11. Thank you! In honor of this momentous occasion, I will be doing a crappy job all day at work today. That's a promise. Thank you, thank you very much.
  12. Normally, I agree with your comments. However, you are mistaken about this one. It's HOLLOW GRAMS. It is derived from the word "hollow" which means completely empty inside and was named for the Rochester, NY rocker/scientist Lou Gramm, who interestingly is also known for being completely empty inside. Artistically that is--no one denies his contributions to science.
  13. Please. It's "douchebag." Mingya!
  14. Fair enough--Thursday will tell the tale...
  15. You're right. I'm drunk. Go Italy! against the Chechs--dive your crazy asses off, do whatevever it takes. Whatever happens, I'm happy with the performance today. It would have been nice to take home the 3 points as deserved, but it's satisfying, nonetheless, to score the point with 9 men vs. Italy with 10.
  16. That was mutherfugging brilliant how they dealt with the horrible circumstances. Holy crap, I'm drunk. Some observations... 1. USA has balls after all and I'm proud 2. A curse on the nations of Italy (dives) and Uraguay (poor officiatinig) for a million years! 3. God bless Cherondolo, best player out there so far--incredible courage That's it for now. I feel great about this performance. Now if we can just score a goal for ourselves, we might make it to the next round.
  17. Congratulations! That was a great game. They played with so much spirit. The U.S. team should watch the tape of that one--maybe they could learn something. Instead, most of the U.S. players said the same thing after the game, "Aw gee whiz, going down 1-0 really got us down..." The Aussies are the exact opposite of that--they actually played like they ENJOY the game and like they belong out there.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised to see him come in as a 2nd half sub in game 3 against Sweden.
  19. I think this is great, not just for England (who I really like this time), but for the game in general. Rooney is one of the most exciting players to watch and he deserves his chance. I hope he will be ready to go 100% for round 2. http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/060607/1/76mk.html
  20. The mortgage isn't the hard part. It's when stuff starts breaking down that you'll miss the old "just call maintenance" days.
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