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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Pacino gets it, but for Carlito's Way? What a crock! What about... Gary Cooper in High Noon Montgomery Clift in just about anything Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski Bruce Willis in Die Hard
  2. Anyone who does not feel this way is not to be trusted.
  3. The NFL Network has pissed me off a few times. Somebody over there is begging for the old stiff punch in the rooster.
  4. I think Reed is better than a lot of people here want to give him credit for. Yes, he has a history of dropping some easy ones, but he proved something to me last year as a 3rd down option--he does not give up on a play and has made some tough 3rd down conversions when no one else seemed able. Here's how I rate the WR's in terms of value to this team: 1. Evans 2. Aiken (maybe a little wishful thinking here) 3. Parrish 4. Reed 5. Price
  5. I think there's a good chance Aiken is ready to take over the #2 role. He's tough. He blocks downfield. He breaks tackles. Am I crazy? Wouldn't that be the ideal compliment to Evans' style?
  6. This team won't be kicking off more than once or twice a game anyway, so there's no point having two kickers. I'm kidding. I kid. Seriously though, NO we will not keep Setta.
  7. I remember it too. The image of that guy sprinting down the sideline and then instinctively trying to make another stride with his floppy broken leg is burned in my memory forever. Of course they showed the replay about 15 times and I watched it cringing every time.
  8. I think we all need to take a moment to consider the implications of this. ...Then hopefully we can all quietly disregard it as nonsense and turn our attention to something worthwhile.
  9. If anything is subjective, this is. Some people are turned on by obese grandmothers defecating on handicapped Vietnamese schoolboys. There is no accounting for how strange and screwed up this world is.
  10. I agree completely! Of course, Jim Morrison also regularly soiled himself in public. But that doesn't take away from how right he is on this point. The first quarter of any NFL games looks like this: Coin toss, trucks, beer, cheeseburgers, kickoff, pepsi, trucks, beer, trucks, incomplete pass, punt, trucks, beer, cheeseburgers, boner pills, first down, offsides, time out, golf update, cheesburgers, public service announcement, beer, trucks, punt, beer, trucks, beer, missed field goal, cheeseburgers, boner pills, taco bell, trucks, false start, punt, beer, trucks, boner pills, taco bell, end of first quarter.
  11. That is just a special special tushy.
  12. Wow, this thread is gold! I'll be holding my breath all year that the 1st unit o-line stays healthy. I also agree that Aiken is looking very strong.
  13. I agree. 11-5. Every year, there's one surprise team--this year it's the Bills. So, who do you see us meeting in the AFC Championship game?
  14. Even better... All six Star Wars movies in one friggin' second
  15. Smoking is gay! I totally don't understand why a young person today would actually take up smoking. What is the point? Recreational drug use I can understand--at least that's fun. Cigarettes are merely disgusting. I've never understood the COOL factor. If you're Cary Grant and it's 1940-something, maybe. But today? No one finds it cool or rebellious or suave or glamorous or exciting. It just means your hair, clothes and breath smell like a garbage fire. If you're looking for a random, self-destructive behavior to adopt, why not try chewing broken glass--at least that would be original? [end rant]
  16. But that's not ironic, it's apropos, no?
  17. For the most part, I'm a very good tipper. There's just one thing I hate tipping for: valet parking. I still throw them a couple bucks, but I hate doing it. I don't know why, but those smarmy little pricks just rub me the wrong way. I always avoid valet if I can help it. I guess I just resent having to let a stranger have the keys to my car. Plus, it's so unnecessary--why the hell can't I park my own car? It never struck me as an inconvenience.
  18. I don't get it--my irony detector isn't picking anything up--maybe it's defective. However, I am getting very high CHEESBALL readings. Also, there seems to be a significant Mullet Factor and my Gay-dar shows activity at the far left and far right of the image.
  19. I don't think it's required and I don't think these guys expect it, but it's still a cool thing to do in my opinion. I file it under, "people just being nice to other people," not so much under, "who do these people think they are--they're getting paid already."
  20. Rule# 5: Never, NEVER refer to her period as "b--- j-- week."
  21. Hmph! I don't recall getting any special consideration from her on MY birthday.
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