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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yup. And Ditka started talking about his flimsy wet noodle on national tv. What a world!
  2. 1. Arrested Development, season 3 (I avoided watching any of these episodes last year on tv just to save them for the dvd release) 2. The new M. Ward album (His last album, Transistor Radio, was a masterpiece in my opinion. If you like any of these artists, you should check out M. Ward: Nick Drake, Elliott Smith, Dylan, L. Cohen) 3. The new Dylan album (I'm hearing good things about this) I'll be excited in all my dorkdom as I drive to Borders tomorrow to pick these up. Also, guess what: I deserve it.
  3. Yes! Here's what it would look like in live action. Defenders will be totally mesmerized... visor simulation
  4. Thanks. That's the nicest thing anyone with over 16-thousand posts has ever said to me.
  5. Wow, that's seems to me a VERY optimistic account of the state of the world today. I do agree that it's important to have respect for your elders, but I have to admit that sometimes I feel like I'm basking in something other than accomplishments.
  6. This thread is just completely tasteless. Absolutely depraved and despicable. The lowest of the low! [enter Lenny and Squiggy]: "Hello"
  7. My grandmother always said if you don't have anything nice to say about somebody, don't say anything at all. She was always saying dumb crap like that. She was a very irritating person. Nobody liked her. A real pain in the ass. Just like T-bone.
  8. I think there is a certain type of "Superior Drunk" who will not show up statistically in a report like this. The Superior Drunk drinks massive amounts with great regularity, but will never allow himself to be labelled an alcoholic, nor will his drinking ever register in any official sort of statistical way because it's nobody's goddamn business but his own. And you better be sure he's not gonna waste any time filling out any kitty survey about it. Clearly, Buffalo has a high percentage of drinkers in this category and that is why this report should be disregarded entirely.
  9. Ok, who had "Post#14" for the first Uranus joke?
  10. There's the little guy You know, my brother has been known to travel in some eccentric orbits, especially after a few drinks. You think that makes him not my brother anymore? Say no to revisionist planetary semantics!
  11. You know what, I'm sick of these astronomers always pushing me around, with their fancy rules and outer-space semantics. Guess what, mutherf&*#ers, in my house Pluto is still a planet! And there's nothing you can do about it! !!!!!!!!!
  12. I was going to say something about using way too many exclamation points, but then I realized that you used eight and that perfectly represents the number of remaining planets in our solar system. Bravo!
  13. This could be a long list. Just turn on a tv and I'll show you at least 10 women I would like to have sex with.
  14. I think that if you look like that much of a pansy, Satan would not want to have anything to do with you anyway, pajamas or no.
  15. How about Sam Elliott as the stranger in The Big Lebowski?
  16. Ok, here's my updated list... never felt comfortable in robes no girls around my knees hurt when i sit on the floor too much i like to go the movies whenever i feel like it and they frown on that monks tend to be very bad conversationalists it's hard to get good pizza delivery in those remote temple locations the whole monk thing seems kind of gay to me I'm a poor chanter I wouldn't feel like trying to explain to my parents why I'm a monk now all of a sudden why the stupid haircuts? you ever see a guy in a monestary sitting on a couch drinking beer watching a bills game? the whole run a marathon every day thing
  17. I will add this to my list of reasons why I don't want to be a monk.
  18. I don't see the point of dropping KH now for one of these jerks who aren't even familiar with the system. KH will remain, as QB#3.
  19. My favorite part is right before the ass kicking, when Sailor just goes "uh oh," not because he has any doubt about taking this clown apart, but because he knows he HAS to and that it will land him in trouble again.
  20. I guess it would be encouraging to see him for a series or two, but not more than that. I always feel that with this sort of serious injury, there's the possibility of hurting something else as he is subtly favoring the affected achilles.
  21. Christopher Walken - King of New York Mel Gibson - Payback (the man's a fool and I may never watch another one of his movies, but this is a good one and he's a badass in it!) Nicolas Cage - Wild at Heart (you may scoff at this one, but take another look at what he does to Bobby Ray Lemon) Charles Bronson - Death Wish
  22. He was pretty damn cool though. - "Iflipya" - "What?!" - "I'llflipya. Flipya ferreal."
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