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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. "...8 percent of candidates failed because of abnormalities found in their scrotum from sitting too much..." I think it's possible the Scrotum Irregularity Detection Team is simply trying a little too hard. Maybe they're worried their dept. will be shut down, so they want to justify their budget.
  2. It must be a terrifying thing to hit the road with whatever you can fit in your vehicle, including kids, pets...to sit in the traffic jam of a lifetime, hoping not to run out of gas, to go to who knows where. Here's hoping Harvey is not so bad.
  3. No, I haven't. I said it will be interesting to see... True, I don't have much confidence in Trump, but I think it was worth pointing out that his words and deeds during a crucial time can mean a lot. George W. increased his stock a great deal in the days following 9/11. Also, get back to us about the Kardashians being of low consequence when they move into the White House. EDIT: Also, you should be aware of how quick you are to turn this personal. I was just making a point about the pres--your reply was aimed at me specifically. You (knowing almost nothing about me) criticized the way I spend my time, called me (indirectly) mindless and said the way I live my life is silly. I think this would strike anyone as kind of odd...outside of this weirdly insular forum anyway. I just felt I should point that out because it seems easy for people to fall into that mindset here in PPP. But, regardless, it's kind of !@#$ed up and it's not anything like an actual conversation.
  4. It will be interesting, if this hurricane ends up being serious, to see whether Trump can act like an adult for a few minutes and restrain himself from reminding everyone how CNN looked at him funny in third period study hall. If he can come off as something close to "presidential" during a moment of disaster, I think it could be an opportunity for him to alleviate some of the pressure he is getting from all sides. I'm not sure he's interested in that though. We'll see.
  5. No mention of the new Twin Peaks (did I miss it?) I think it's pretty excellent. I kind of expected it to be just a mildly interesting sort of reunion project, but it's way more than that. I'm finding it really fun to see such an insane vision executed like this. It adds to the whole Twin Peaks mythology and it answers questions and fills in the gaps from the original in a really interesting and fun way. In my opinion, it's up there with the best stuff David Lynch has ever done.
  6. I'm a casual fan of the European leagues. I'll be following Borussia Dortmund some this year, with an eye on Pulisic. Each year, MLS gets a little more interesting. I live in Atlanta, so it's fun to see our expansion team doing well. I pay closer attention to the USMNT. Good, important games coming up against Costa Rica and Honduras.
  7. ESPN just released a statement saying they were aware of the concerns about Bob Ley’s potential continued employment. They do not want to be perceived as insensitive by not acting and yet they do not want to rush to action that could be seen as inappropriate. Furthermore, they see how this position of overarching reluctance could be interpreted by all parties as complicit in ways that might be interpreted as socially irresponsible. As a result, a new statue of Bob Ley will be erected today on the grounds of the ESPN headquarters in Bristol, CT. Then, this evening the statue will be promptly torn down by members of the last generation of Icelandic Down Syndrome survivors, in a grand gesture of celebration of the differences among people that may or may not be identified and/or objected to in accordance with the respective cultural climate which deems it however so, in the spirit of freedom!
  8. President Magoo captures the nation's attention to let everybody know his favorite television program.
  9. Nothing would have been far more preferable to that senseless rambling manic episode.
  10. Pardon Arpaio Launch nuclear assault on Guam Dismantle Statue of Liberty to use as raw material for first section of the Great Wall
  11. This season of The Apprentice kind of sucks but the ratings are unbelievable.
  12. You are quite distinctly NOT an idiot, but you can be pretty full of **** on occasion.
  13. Loaded phrasing? Good Christ. It would be interesting if you applied that same hyper-strict standard of semantic precision consistently around here. I guess when I'm called a modern day McCarthyist, that's not loaded?
  14. Nice. You may be right. Hopefully there is another way to train Trump to "stay out of the garbage."
  15. Hot takes! Hot takes! Get your hot takes here! Sir, chill for a second. I merely asked a question and addressed it to someone whose opinion has a chance of having some value. Note that I didn't address the question to you.
  16. Do you really believe it's all due to ineptitude? Do you not grant that the Bannon/Miller/Gorka voice in Trump's ear has some sway in this? Whether it's because they really believe in the bigotry of it or if it's just that they see the political value in harnessing the support of these groups, I don't know for sure, but something ugly is going on.
  17. I don't understand your criticism here. The sarcasm is pointing at the fact that some of the people are not smiling in the photograph? Please tell us how that's significant in any way.
  18. Ok, I think this distinction is a good one. I think it's unlikely that this was his specific motivation (and it would be tough to make that case in court given the context), but I see the point. It's definitely worth considering. I see what you're saying.
  19. I don't know for sure. It's possible that there was a bee in the car and he spilled some coffee in his crotch and had a bad cramp in his right leg. I'm not calling for the guy to be executed. Information will come to light and he will get to defend himself. But, with what we know right now, it sure looks like terrorism to me.
  20. Please tell me how/where I've failed to do this. I was responding to the issue of whether what happened in Charlottesville was terrorism. To me, it's pretty clear that it is. You lost me there. Please help me understand what you mean by this.
  21. Well said. I feel the same way about this. You could make very good arguments on either side.
  22. I have bad news for you. The train you're on is not even going to Chicago.
  23. You know how in third grade they ask those Reading Comprehension questions which are word problems that include some details that are unimportant, to see if you can weed out the essential vs. incidental information? Right now you’re the kid obsessing about how much Carlos paid for his ticket when all we really need to know is what time the train will arrive in Chicago.
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