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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yes! One of my favorites too. The eight ball is a very good ball.
  2. Holy crap, Woody Allen is a national treasure. Pervert, maybe, but a legend all the same. Yes, the early ones are funny and goofy and enjoyable. Yes, Annie Hall is a masterpiece. But there are many excellent ones since. Most notably... Manhattan Hannah And Her Sisters Zelig Crimes And Misdemeanors Bullets Over Broadway Mighty Aphrodite Deconstructing Harry Whatever you do, stay away from Celebrity. Just a miserable flop. He tried to make a tribute to La Dolce Vita and it just stinks on hot ice. Also, Hollywood Ending is pretty awful in my opinion.
  3. Me too. That was garbage. I had to say that Eminem was "hilarious," because there was no choice marked "a total waste of time" and I didn't want to say he's "hot" or "totally offensive."
  4. Note to parents: Your precious little darling is not special. He/she is not God's little gift to the world. Nobody gives a crap. Your child is just one more whiny little brat in a world already too full of whiny little brats. There's nothing magical about reproduction. It's all too common. There are literally more than a hundred million sperm in the average ejaculation. Don't act like it's a miracle that one of them made it. Nothing special about that. Get over it. In the words of the late Bill Hicks, "I have wiped entire civilizations off my chest with an old grey gym sock."
  5. That's very nice. It sounds quite pleasant for the children. I propose that, at graduation, all of these kids are slaughtered. This will spare them the pain and humiliation of not being able to function whatsoever in the real world.
  6. I am shocked at the results of this poll. I thought this was a football site--what's with all the fancy lads?
  7. Maybe you could be thankful for your millions of dollars and the fancy mansion that you live in.
  8. I had to do a search to see for myself this infamous remark. I found it. Incredible! Really a new level of idiocy.
  9. Oh, no! We just lost a true, great, original artist. I love a lot of his movies. My personal favorite is Short Cuts.
  10. They really should STFU! Anybody remember the play where Carr scrambled down the middle and apparently took offense to the force of the tackle? He jumped up and got in the defender's face and stuck his arm out to signal the first down, trying to look all tough. And the play was promply called back on a penalty. That made me laugh.
  11. I say that it is unique. And to use it in the way that Michael Richards did is wrong. He is a real person confronting another real person. It's not a piece of fiction.
  12. Surely you can appreciate the unique power of the N word. There is a lot of history and hatred contained in that word. I don't think there is another word that comes close in terms of explosiveness. I think that's why Richards used it. Obviously, he was pissed off and he made the terrible mistake of letting all of his rage out at once in the most shocking way he knew how. I think what he did was just plain stupid. Stupid and wrong. He knows it too. I think he surprised himself by how much rage he had. I don't think he's a racist, but he did use racism to vent his anger. That's a dangerous thing. It's not comparable to Don Rickles and it's not comparable to Lenny Bruce. It's much worse. Having said that, I think people should accept his apology.
  13. To quote Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction: "Let's not start sucking each others' c@#!s just yet, gentlemen."
  14. Some more honorable mentions, from the special "Embarrasingly Bad Simile" department... Bryan Adams - "Cuts Like A Knife" Dokken (rhymes with Rockin') - "Burnin' Like A Flame"
  15. I'm gettin' a li'l chubby.....for Buffalo Bills football!!!
  16. I'm currently on a self-imposed hiatus from making predictions, but I certainly appreciate your delicious enthusiasm-flavored kool aid.
  17. No way, that song rocks. The brilliant lyrics... We're heading for Venus (Venus) And still we stand tall Cause maybe they've seen us And welcome us all (yeah) With so many light years to go And things to be found (to be found) I'm sure that we'll all miss her so It's the final countdown... ...then the keyboards are all like... Doona noo noo Doona noo noo noo Doona noo noo Doona noo noo noo Breathtaking!
  18. Thanks. Oh God, they suck so bad it makes me angry. I think I just puked up some bile just thinking about it.
  19. The worst song of all time is "She Drives Me Crazy" by the Fine Young Cannibals, the worst band of all time.
  20. I'm with ya all the way on this one. Even us liberals can appreciate good comedy.
  21. That's so sweet of you. I'm sure she'll be very surprised.
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