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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Funny, you don't really seem that sorry to me.
  2. And he had some pretty funny moments on the old Ben Stiller show.
  3. This guy sounds like a jerk. Anybody who constantly blabs about his/her religious beliefs is annoying. Personally, I'm agnostic and usually sympathetic to people bad-mouthing organized religion, but it sounds like this guy is just using atheism as an excuse to irritate people. This is the kind of person commonly referred to by develpmental psychologists as a Fu#%ing !@#$.
  4. I've had a lot of crappy jobs, but the worst was doing toxic waste disposal. I would have to put on a tyvek suit and respirator and climb into acid tanks to suction and squeejee all the caustic gunk and bits of metal out. You could only do it for about an hour at a time because your rubber gloves and boots fill up with sweat and you start to get dizzy from heat exhaustion. I only did it for a few months. I was shocked when I found out that some of the guys I was working with were much younger than I thought. These guys looked like they were in their 50's, but they were in their late 20's & early 30's. Not for me.
  5. God bless us all, everyone, what a day!
  6. Alternate translation: She knows exactly what she's doing and she leaked the thing on purpose to further her celebrity. People like this are rich and famous only because they are able to keep people like us talking about them. It's not like anybody's going out to buy Jessica Simpson cd's because her music is so great.
  7. There are tons of women who are better looking, more talented, smarter, more interesting, etc...than Jessica Simpson. How she's even famous is a mystery to me. (Would I have sex with her? yes.)
  8. It's just a matter of taste. To tell you the truth, I don't understand half of what JS is doing on the fretboard. I could list several technically bad guitar players (Neil Young & Lou Reed come to mind) that I like better, simply because that's what I like. I say all this as a very bad amateur guitar player.
  9. You're right. I oversimplified. I kind of mistook [innovative vs. accomplished] as [creatively interesting vs. commercially successful]. In any case, I'd rather hear that 3 year old than someone I consider technically excellent but boring, such as Joe Satriani or Generic Crapton.
  10. It's these freaking liberals! They think they can change history with their commie leftist mindset. Next thing you know, the pledge of allegiance will be replaced with satanic human sacrifice rituals. And the taxpayers will be asked to fork up the cash to pay for it! We'll have married gays and legalized microwaving of babies. Why don't we just invite the terrorists over here to take everything our grandparents died to protect? (Sorry, I just wanted to see what it felt like to go off on one of those lunatic right-wing thread-jacking crusades that have been popular lately. Feels kind of dirty actually.)
  11. I submit that if innovation and originality do not constitute "accomplished," then "accomplished" has no value.
  12. In other news, current projections indicate that I would like to have a grilled cheese sandwich on June 5th, 2024.
  13. Or maybe he was and it was just a lucky shot.
  14. Hence the expression, "guns don't kill people, drunken boastful renegging and delusions of invisibility kill people."
  15. That's the magic question. Hopefully, they can repeat what they did in the second half yesterday. The big thing will be DON'T GET BEHIND EARLY.
  16. You might want to be ready to do away with a few other amendments too. I'm thinking 1, 13, 15, 19 will be the first ones to go. Number 2, however, will remain quite secure I think.
  17. It's my favorite of the early goofball movies. Really hilarious. If you like Woody as an actor (doing his neurotic goofy stuff), then you will like this one.
  18. I'm in the minority I think with La Dolce Vita. I know it's considered a masterpiece, but I've never been able to get into it. I've tried a couple times, but I find it irritating. As far as Felini goes, the ones I love are La Strada and 8 1/2.
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