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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I want to punch every man woman and child on Earth, right in the mouth. That's been my dream for a long time.
  2. Correction: Intelligent Ravens fans (is there such a thing?) will be going OH NO!
  3. I get the feeling even Ravens fans are reading this stuff and going OH NO!
  4. Hey, I read that book not too long ago. I agree, it's really fun. I tore right through it.
  5. I love soccer (although not quite as much as American football). I've been getting into the English Premier League thanks to the Fox Soccer Channel. It's just awesome. I think the Beckham travelling circus reality tv show extravaganza will be a good thing for the MLS. I still can't believe they paid $250 million though. I mean, take away the swooshy haircut and the great dead ball skills and I'm not sure there's that much of a player there anymore. He's been riding the bench at Real Madrid lately.
  6. I agree. 8 children had to grow up thinking their mother was dead because she's too much of a moron to find her way home. A language barrier and lack of money do not excuse her.
  7. C.I.A., you see I ain’t kiddin’!
  8. Sometimes low-tech is nice. I don't do it that often, but it's a good feeling to sit down with a newspaper and a cup of coffee.
  9. What the hell is that? And what does that have to do with throwing a cake at somebody. Any lawyer will tell you that it is legal to throw baked goods at a person as long as it is funny. This is one of the fundamental laws of comedy. Also, there is legal precedent that it is a perfectly legitimate comedic device to deny throwing baked goods at someone even though everybody knows you did it. This precedent extends to pies, cakes and any sufficiently frosted cupcake-type dessert which is generally deemed capable of ruining someone's fancy good time or otherwise making them look like a silly little jerk.
  10. Speaking of codes and whatnot, I just did an anagram analysis of "Capri Sun." Here's what I came up with… U.N. is crap. I don't exactly know what the significance of this is, but it clearly demonstrates how deep the conspiracy goes. Certainly it is international, and most likely interstellar.
  11. I know him. Used to hang out with him at SUNY Geneseo. He's a very cool guy. Very Funny! What's awesome is he's living his dream. He always wanted to have a career in sports broadcasting/journalism.
  12. It is not so unusual for some people I know to enjoy Nine (or more) Ladies Dancing as part of the Holiday Festivities.
  13. Don't let the Canadians bring you down. As I understand it, Canadian boxing is not very violent at all. It has evolved into a sort of drunken spectacle of homoerotic posturing. The winner is judged, not so much for athletic prowess, but based on the magnificence of his moustache and tight pants.
  14. I used to play a game called "Go play in traffic" that my parents taught me. I never really enjoyed it that much, but my parents always always seemed to get a big kick out of it.
  15. Pound for pound, best ever... stick & move, stick & move...
  16. That made me laugh. I'd be thinking about the same thing.
  17. Why the hell not?! I guess they were pretty fond of the idea of ruining people's lives due to a bullshyte technicality. Nice work once again you weasely little snivelling politician pricks!
  18. Oh, yeah. That's what I meant. The good, classy one. Not that other trashy one that only degenerates and low lifes watch.
  19. I think it's time for both of these remarkably talented geniuses to stop bickering and join forces to make the world a better place. I personally am I lifelong fan of audaciously bad hairstyles and incessant loudmouth blabbering. Therefore, it hurts me to see these two glorious and wonderful examples of this stimulating culture of ours fighting. I certainly hope all this does not have a negative effect on the great institution of the Miss America Pageant, which in my mind, has always been the definitive example of classy, understated good taste and artistic merit for the discerning viewer. Not some kind of garish overproduced spectacle or something like that.
  20. Nice. I thought about Berlin as soon as I saw the title to this thread. I just saw the New York dolls live a couple weeks ago and they did "You Can't Put Your Arms..." At the key point in the song, David goes over to Sylvain (they're the only two original members still alive), puts his arms around him and they sing, "you can't put your arms around... John-ny!"
  21. Elton John - "Don't Let Your Son Go Down On Me" A heartwrenching tale of unrequited love
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