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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Is he right or is he wrong? Also, it's worth noting that Kimmell was critical of Hillary Clinton too, rightly so... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/7/jimmy-kimmel-clintons-book-reading-about-titanic-w/
  2. I like Jimmy. But, whether you like him or not, he's right on this point.
  3. I applaud Kimmell for this. It's a dick move from Cassidy. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jimmy-kimmel-senator-lied-right-my-face-over-health-care-n802896
  4. Can't we just appreciate the stupidity of a situation without making it all us & them-y? These are some spectacularly hilarious idiots. But most left-leaning people are not nearly this extreme. Just like most conservatives aren't out there pushing conversion therapy.
  5. Very grateful for the cool head in a hot situation. RIP, sir.
  6. Good: - Buffalo still has an NFL team Bad; - I don't like football anymore
  7. Kirk Cameron says God is sending Irma to us because we're sinners. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2017/09/kirk-cameron-god-sends-hurricanes-make-sinners-repent/
  8. Rush Limbaugh spouting off about spreading fear & manufacturing hype is perfect. It's what he knows. He's a category 5 swirling storm of ***hole.
  9. I think Trump could have beaten Obama because Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.
  10. A question for someone who may know: How is DACA unconstitutional? Sessions and Trump seem to be pushing this idea, but it seems like bunk to me. I understand the argument that it was an overreaching use of executive privilege. I can even understand that many could be against it as a policy that they don't like. That's not me, but I can understand that argument. What I can't understand is how it can be described as unconstitutional. Is that not just bully politics?
  11. I think you may have misinterpreted grinreaper's post. He was not really arguing the issue--he was merely taking the opportunity to attack you personally.
  12. True. It doesn't make Arpaio anything. I don't actually care what happens to Arpaio. He's an old man. His life's work of being a dick to people is done. It doesn't make Trump a racist either. But it does make him a **** leader.
  13. And it's reasonable for minorities to feel pissed off about this. To a lot of people, this is another grand gesture of !@#$ off you don't matter here.
  14. I think the important thing about Arpaio's pardon is what it means at this moment in this country. Who is happy about it? Why did Trump go out of his way to do this at this time? It doesn't matter so much whether Arpaio is a racist (he is), but what he represents to people. This is Trump throwing a bone to a segment of his base that he will never disavow as long as there is some political advantage to be milked from it.
  15. Actually, I think Trump would do well here overall. I was being half-sarcastic. Some posters here are held to a very strict standard. Some not so much.
  16. I don't get your point. I'm not trying to be glib or anything, I just don't know what we're supposed to compare.
  17. Ahhhh... no
  18. It's a good thing the President of the United States of America doesn't try to post stuff in this forum. The expectations here are that claims are backed up by good evidence, sound arguments and carefully thought out analysis.
  19. Not so... “Here is the thing: When I make a statement, I like to be correct. Before I make a statement, I need the facts. I don’t want to rush into a statement.” - Donald J. Trump
  20. I totally lost track of what we were talking about. I like onions on burgers, unless the analogy means something I don't like in this case. Is the burger America? Is it being stolen from us? Ah, nevermind...
  21. Huh? I haven't done this. Is this like a regular thing?
  22. +8 goal differential after week 2 is no joke though.
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