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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. New project for HBO David Cross and Bob Odenkirk to work on HBO sitcom Late Friday evening, Alvin and the Chipmunks star David Cross made a big announcement on the website he shares with his Mr. Show co-creator, Bob Odenkirk—after 10 years apart (artistically speaking), the comedic geniuses will reunite this spring to film a pilot for HBO. Not that the two men haven't been busy during their alone time. Cross released a couple of comedy albums on Sub Pop, stole innumerable scenes as Tobias Fünke on Fox's similarly cult-worshipped and soon-to-be-feature-filmified Arrested Development and portrayed "Anna Nicole Smith's" "lawyer" on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, while Odenkirk directed a few underappreciated movies and, later, embraced the internet and became a massive draw on comedy video site SuperDeluxe.com. Last Wednesday, Cross, who's currently shooting a Judd Apatow flick in Louisiana, spoke to the MTV Movies Blog about the pilot (tentatively titled "David's Situation"), relaying that, "It’s a sitcom...It will follow a traditional sitcom feeling, but will also feel like a big sketch, even though the characters will remain the same each week.” Back in his corner of the blogosphere, Cross served up some additional, tantalizing details for Mr. Show fans to drool over: "We should be shooting in LA in the beginning of MAY. We'll keep you posted on exactly when and where (we'll have room for 150 audiencers). We are both very, very excited about it and feel it's really strong and important to the health of America." If you're wondering what all this Bob and David hubbub is about, locate your nearest 25-to-35-year-old, (probably) intelligent, (probably) male friend who drinks PBR, listens to metal and quite possibly has a reptile for a pet, then ask if you can borrow his Mr. Show DVDs. If he's a true fan he'll turn 'em right over, and we'll all get well together. (Or you could just watch this gem from season two of Mr. Show, featuring "worldwide billiards champion" Van Hammersly):
  2. I don't own any of these things. It so happens that I do heart my penis, but I am able to restrain myself from advertising it.
  3. Don't try to belittle my genius, filthy blasphemer!
  4. How dare you try to belittle what is clearly the beginning of a miracle run to the cup, you filthy blasphemer.
  5. Holy crap! 7-4. Hecht just scored his second. Sabres won the third period 6-0.
  6. Vanek just scored his second in a row. Sabres up 6-4. I don't know why I just looked up the score, saw it was 4-1 in the 3rd and had a feeling the Sabres were going to win. Probably because I'm a genius.
  7. Down 4-1 in the third. 4 straight goals, up 5-4.
  8. Billie is of mixed doggie ethnicity, but she is exceptional in every way. About the nicest dog you could ever know. You can see her in my profile pic.
  9. Pastoralia by George Saunders - collection of short stories. very entertaining and funny. he has a couple other collections that are very good too. Woman In The Dunes by Kobo Abe - I really love this book despite the fact that it is self-absorbed and slow. I had to read it again because the film (which I also love but had not seen in many years) just got released on dvd. Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris - I didn't think I would like this, but it's very well written and funny.
  10. Silver Jews! Silver Jews! Silver Jews! (by the way, the Silver Jews are very very good)
  11. I would not be surprised if she becomes the next Governor.
  12. Yeah, it's funny that all these rich people are having tons of great sex, but not with each other.
  13. As a person of moderate income, I find this insulting and discriminatory. Besides, all this sex-in-a-private-jet stuff is overrated. You can get a perfectly good handjob for $5 down at the bus station.
  14. Yeesh! That'll shrink anybody's jpeg.
  15. Wow! That's just awesome! Congratulations!
  16. I guess it's true what they say: Every time a rookie poster farts, a Blue-Square-Fairy gets its wings... because you're up to TWO NOW!!!
  17. Diminishing returns. A few years ago, when my junky old car finally crapped out for good, I went shopping for new one. I could not justify spending $15,000 or more on a new vehicle. That's why I have a fleet of 30 beat up Dodge Omnis instead. If I stall out somewhere, I just abandon the thing, take the plate home and stick it on one of the reserves. No way in hell you're gonna catch me paying $4,000 for poon. The way I look at it, that's at least 8 Dodge Omnis right there. That's 2 months worth of transportation.
  18. Oof! That's some pretty bold talk from a one-blue-square-havin' son of a beyotch.
  19. Yes. Apparently, the flux capacitor got totally Rosened!
  20. 1 write-in vote for Jeannie.
  21. I can't afford diamonds, but a pearl necklace I could do.
  22. I know--look at me. I lost my precious sixth blue square! And I need to do something to fix up my avatar--it looks a little ragged. Damn you, Rubeo!
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