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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yeah, I though about that. But it's only advertising, so he really doesn't have to write full sentences or anything. It's pretty much short phrases of about 4-5 words. Like… Amazing New Flavor! New Look Same Great Taste May Cause Genital Dysfunction Razzle Dazzle Whoop-De-Dooo! …stuff like that. (just kidding)
  2. Since it's Monday, we'll count this as a freebie. But if you pull this kinda crap later in the week, I'm afraid we will have no choice but to mock you mercilessly.
  3. Buffalo Coach Says Jauron-imo As Bills Leap Into New Season sorry
  4. No problem. It's not like I have a shortage of wrath. Screw everybody!
  5. Yeah, I was kind of hoping nobody would catch that my own name is a bad pun.
  6. Just recently, we've seen... Are Bills Fine at Tight End? Team Hopes for a Fine Find Fine-Tuning of New Role Is Rookie Tight End's Focus Buffalo Just Fine for Tight End Army Fullback "At Ease" On Playing Field Bills Take the Corner Cornered Bills Turn Corner at Draft Hard Times Have Hardened Hardy And of course, today there's the article about how Reich Has "Faith" He'll Get NFL Job. Please, the corny-ness has got to stop. Thank you.
  7. That was a great article. "NHL has an entertainment division, too. It's called hockey."
  8. Oof! This game makes my personal Top 20 Most Painful Sports Moments of All Time.
  9. …because we all know the best thing about pot is its delicious FLAVOR!
  10. Ostrich theology? Octogenarian transexual wonderland? Chris Farley reference? Images of Brady* getting sacked and losing the Super Bowl? I am so totally turned on right now.
  11. That plain sucks. I'd like to be able to buy American, but I just can't justify it. My Honda Civic is 10 years old and runs like a champ!
  12. Average? Ha! The world where approximately half the female population is better looking than Scarlett Johansson... that's the world for me! [EDIT] ...Plus she just did an album of Tom Waits covers! How !@#$ing cool is that?
  13. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  14. Don't be fatuous, cincy. You know damn well what I mean. Casaba of course (in honor of one of my heroes).
  15. I like soccer very much. If you don't like it, eat my balls.
  16. Stuff like this makes it very very hard for me to wait until September.
  17. Funny! That's exactly what I was thinking.
  18. I kind of liked Dokken in the 80's. For George Lynch's guitar playing, not for the lyrics, which were absolutely embarrassing ("Burnin' like a flame...," "I'm a hunter…on these lonely streets...")
  19. The 21st Century formula for success: Total Incompetence + Sense of Entitlement, multiplied by nice cans = JACKPOT!
  20. I can't help rooting for Fulham. They have a bunch of U.S. players that I know from the national team (Keller, Bocanegra, Dempsey, McBride, Johnson). With two games left, they have a faint chance of avoiding relegation. Incredible comeback last weekend against Man City. Three second half goals including one in extra time to win 3-2 to (barely) keep their hopes alive.
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