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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. So true! But have you considered the possibility that this young lady had been trying to run buck wild with the trigga? If this is the case, then I'm sure you'll agree the outcome was inevitable.
  2. Man, you just push and push. I think if Ghandi were here, he'd slap you right in your dirty mouth.
  3. Nice. Thanks for posting. I'm starting to get that autumn Bills feeling.
  4. Yup. Been there. I miss the fun of spontaneous violence. I remember a football game we used to call Fumblitis. It was a particularly brutal version of smear the queer. Good times.
  5. I actually did take a jart in the head once. A couple stitches and I was back out there wreaking havoc the same day.
  6. My two cents… I've read through all the arguments and there are a lot of good points. Yes, the market clearly dictates that Peters should get more money. But one fact remains that cannot be argued away: Brandon has made it clear that he will renegotiate if Peters will simply JOIN HIS TEAM ON THE FUGGING FIELD! Time is of the essence. We need our top O-line in place getting valuable reps. I agree with the poster who said in another thread, "Enough is enough--Peters, get in camp NOW!"
  7. A couple years ago I was helping a friend move. He's a compulsive box-labeller, so there were boxes marked with stuff like, "bowls, spices, cooking utensils" or "rock t-shirts and ties," etc… So, at one point, my other friend and I come across this big box labelled "Krusty Socks." Of course we demanded an explanation. He claims he has a Krusty the Clown talking doll and he put it with his socks for some reason. We're like, "yeah right, buddy, whatever you say, wankboy." We still give the guy hell for that one.
  8. My first experience was with a dingy old gym sock and yes, it made a strong impression. We've been together ever since.
  9. Haven't you heard? 39 is the new 18. Happy Birthday, Kiwi!
  10. He will come back to us some day. Sketchy has to chase his crazy frivolous whimsical dreams out there in the world. It is the Nord way. If you see a rainbow, you will know he is near. Happy Birthday, Sketch, wherever you are.
  11. Thanks, my niggaz! I got a lot of good gifts today. Including, from my brother, a pass to go hang gliding.
  12. Their parents are rich. This is probably what they will walk with. Just look at them smiling their privelaged asses off in the booking photos. They believe that nothing really bad in this world can touch them.
  13. bursh, apply the tush breath, paste, wet pants, repeat
  14. What a piece of crap? Anybody else totally disappointed in how lame the future turned out to be? (Yes, I am referring to the Present as "the Future"). I thought we'd have jet packs, flying cars, etc…by now. What a ripoff!
  15. I don’t like Richard Cheese, but I do like Neil Hamburger. Maybe they should get together.
  16. Happy Birthday to all of you! But please be safe. Statistics show that the risk of defenestration is 25% higher on your birthday. The reason is not clear. Have fun, but don't stand near any windows.
  17. What else? Making your dream come true! I think if you get any chance, you should take it. Any rule, break it. You're gonna make your dream come true. Doin' it your way!
  18. I think it matters very much. Should be a great game. The current Group C standings: NED - 6 points ROM - 2 points ITA - 1 point FRA - 1 point If Romania wins, they're in. But I don't think they will. It's not like you can rest your whole starting squad. And the Dutch will not let up. There are still a lot of permutations and everybody's still alive. However, I still think that the winner of France vs. Italy will make it through.
  19. I don't think this is a fair comparison,... because, honestly, it's unfair to the animals.
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