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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ok, I'll say it. She's kinda sexy. Not enough to change my vote, but still....
  2. I can't watch videos at work, but I'm interested in what happened. Can someone please give me an exhaustive play-by-play? I'll need you to be very descriptive and colorful with your words as I am quite bored at the moment. Dazzle me. Go!
  3. I love how the Obama critics are flailing. So many arguments that begin, "Yes, he's intelligent and has accomplished a lot and is genuinely committed to helping people, but... [insert meaningless objection]."
  4. I really like the first 4 words of your post, but you lose me after that. So Bush's mistake was acting without thinking, but Obama thinks too much. Got it.
  5. Yup. And JP used up all the glue... on PURPOSE!
  6. Trent's leg is fra-gee-lay (no, that's not Italian for "classy.") He'll be ready for the opener, but from what I've seen from him so far, JP better not get too cozy on the sideline.
  7. Youch! My girlfriend's brother is a cop in Clayton county. It's a mess down there. (by the way, there's some nutjob who calls himself "the gringo" making comments in there. It's not me)
  8. If the Bills lose by 24 and there are no injuries, then I will consider it a total success.
  9. I did not know they all lived together. That's really convenient. I bet you saved a lot on shipping.
  10. Happy Birthday to a man who appreciates quality in avatars and to our amorous hobo friend from the north!
  11. Technically she is hot I guess. I mean she definitely has a great body, but there's something missing. She looks dumb. She looks vacant. She looks like a cliché blonde floozy to me.
  12. She looks like an emaciated Kirk Douglas with a blonde wig and great cans. (9.5/10)
  13. I realize that Peters will most likely play this year, maybe even in week 1. And that this is really not much more than posturing and not much harm done, etc… Still though, I really do hope both of those greedy bastards die of testicular elephantitis and rot in hell right after the Bills win the Super Bowl this year.
  14. It's true. You can see it on the replay. There is only one set of footprints in the sand all the way to the hospital.
  15. If you have been hired to kill someone and you are the type of person who feels the need to bring your day planner with you to the job in order to remind yourself to call to collect the cash, then there is a very good chance that you have made a costly mistake in choosing murder as your vocation.
  16. I bet she gives a pretty intense sponge bath.
  17. I didn't mean you're too serious. Just that you seem to care a lot. Philosophy was great for me. I actually enjoyed the challenge of it--something I couldn't really say for most of the other classes I took. Looking back, it was definitely worthwhile--not in any financial sense for sure, but I'm glad I did it. I don't read much philosophy these days. Much of the classic stuff seems dusty to me and contemporary philosophy can be really densely academic. I check out some stuff every once in a while or go back and read some of the classic stuff (sometimes just for a laugh, like "holy crap, Kant is a pretentious windbag!"). Thomas Nagel is a contemporary guy that I really like. The best thing is just knowing smart people who like to talk about the same stuff as you. Are you familiar with Bertrand Russell? He is a thinker I really admire. I think you will love his essay, "Why I Am Not A Christian." The entire text is right here... http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/russell0.htm
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