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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I played for the Bills once, in a dream. Strangely, I still had to go to work at my regular job during the week. Then I would show up on Sundays for the games. I was a back-up WR. I remember being nervous about having to go into the game because I didn't really know the playbook. But then somehow I scored a game-winning TD. And all of a sudden William Hurt, the actor, was the head coach and he was telling me how great I was.
  2. I'll watch it. I thrive on pain and heartache. It's like oxygen to me.
  3. I feel very bad for Trent Green's poor fragile brain, especially if the Bills take an early lead and then tee off on the QB. Could be ugly.
  4. Hmmm...I guess it makes sense. If you're blind, you're gonna have a hard time maintaining your web page.
  5. I'm a vegetarian and I support the ethical treatment of animals, but even I with my shrunken B-12-depleted brain can see that this is a ridiculously stupid idea.
  6. I can't quite put my finger on it why True Blood sucks so bad. There's definitely a cheesiness factor. And not a fun campy horror cheesiness like you would hope for in a show about vampires. It's a cheap, poorly done cheesiness. Some scenes are so terrible, it's like an R-rated Mentos commercial.
  7. I watched the first two episodes. Utter garbage. I won't be watching any more. I really liked Six Feet Under, so I thought I'd give Allen Ball a chance with this one. Not any more.
  8. There was a moment in the 4th quarter when Edwards was sitting on the bench with his head in his hands. Not like he was dejected, just like he was concentrating on pulling it all together. A few seconds later, he was making his way up the bench, pumping up the team, yelling, "Let's go! Let's do this!" The team responded in a big way. Big big props to Lindell! His record from 40 yds or less (42 in a row, are you kidding me?) and with game winners (10 of 11)… just awesome!
  9. The Dylan "All Hallow's Eve, 1964" bootleg is amazing. As far as I know, it still has not been officially released, but it should be. Amazing performances. Dylan is in a great mood, joking with the crowd and really feeling it. One of my all time favorites.
  10. How come Nick Nolte has two plastic bags of pizza dough inside his shirt like that? Is he on drugs again?
  11. Wait a minute. I was told I could feel excited if we were 5-0 GOING INTO THE BYE. You can't toy with my emotions like that.
  12. Hmphh! You know, I had that Sixth Blue Square once. Before the great Wall Crash Disaster. I'll get there again real soon and you'll all be sorry.
  13. I was thinking about starting to consider entertaining some feelings of enthusiasm about this, but I know how strictly regulated it is. I'm working on the official Enthusiasm Request Form right now, with all the relevant back-up information. I was just wondering if anyone here would help me out with a Letter of Recommendation. Somebody with six blue squares under their avatar would be awesome!
  14. Short TD pass to.... ...Captain Holdout, Jason Peters.
  15. Perfect. Now paint a red stripe down each side and you're the coolest Bills fan ever!
  16. Wow, the Bills are so good this year, all of their oppenents crumble before they even make it to the field.
  17. 2 things that separate a fan from somebody that actually plays in the NFL. 1. What a fan thinks or feels about his team's chances have no bearing whatsoever on the outcome of any of the games. 2. Fans can also drink before and during a big game.
  18. Somebody had to go to make room for Favre's ego.
  19. No way. If you do the high altitude conversion, 31 is only 24.5. Happy Birthday!
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