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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. He will be in the hall of fame, yes, absolutely.
  2. If the Bills finish 10-6 and make the playoffs, that means they were 5-2 for the home stretch. That would indicate that they figured something out and improved as a team. So, yes, there would be a chance of beating a good team in the playoffs. There's always a chance. What do you suggest? Giving up now because you anticipate the inevitability of losing a second round playoff game?
  3. Lately, I'm trying to train myself to enjoy the wins more and for the losses to be more like, "oh well, it's just a game, we'll get 'em next week," etc… I haven't quite figured it out yet.
  4. Wow, I have no idea. That sounds like crazy talk to me.
  5. "Well, Wildcat was written in a kind of obsolete vernacular. ...Wildcat. ...reaaaaoowww. ...I'm gonna go." - Eli Cash
  6. Dancing? To a nice steak dinner? Out on the town? For a few drinks and then back to your place? He needs to be in there on Sunday.
  7. Why no end-arounds with Roscoe? You just gotta find more ways to utilize that man's crazy speed.
  8. Whoa, easy there. At 4-0, I remember seeing the Bills in the top 5 in many power rankings. Besides, if the Bills win this week, the game counts, right? Their record will be 6-3, not "6" - 3. All else is illusion.
  9. autumn feelings mixed with anticipation of perennial doom
  10. Yes. I don't think you can get past that point. And I don't think it can be reconciled with the notion of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I take some comfort in the fact that, even though the bigots are winning some battles right now, the dominant trend is towards tolerance. Just a matter of time.
  11. 1-5 in the division? Ouch! Normally 10 wins is gold, but with this scenario I'm not so sure...
  12. I like using all of these words together in long strings of profanity. I also like to use non-profane catalyst words in between, for example, "monkey" or "Jesus" or "America." Being as blasphemous as possible really helps me to express my rage.
  13. This is a really great website! Thanks for posting it.
  14. I'll see your Paul Lynde and raise you one Charles Nelson Reilly.
  15. I don't believe these things really exist. But I still think they're all pretty cool and make for really good spooky imagery. Part of the reason that this is my favorite time of the year.
  16. Oh, I'll be there. I'm going as someone with only two blue squares. I just picked up my Assclown costume this morning.
  17. Will you please listen to yourself? You've changed, man. That's some low grade hippy psychobabble you're spewing. If you ask me, somebody's pulling your strings and you're afraid to admit it.
  18. Naw, Cincy knows that we old timers joke around. That's what it's like in the six blue squares VIP section. We kid. We're kidders. Right, Cincy? Cincy? Cincy, old pal?
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