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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Aw, come on! Just ask yourself what effect did MDC have on the 80's. Now ask yourself what effect did PMT have. You can see that they were working together. Don't get me started on Jim J. Bullock and Sammy Hagar.
  2. I am a fan. Huge loss. I miss him. Just one of those stupid totally senseless things. Looking back, 12/8/80 was kind of a personal jump-the-shark moment for me. I was ten years old. I remember thinking it was so cool that we were in this whole new decade and there seemed to a lot of optimism for the 80's. Then Lennon got shot and it was a big shock to me. I know it's just a coincidence, but the rest of the 80's turned out to be a complete disaster for me personally and I can't help but remember this event as a bad omen. I hope you get shiv'd to death and rot in hell, Philip Michael Thomas!
  3. I haven't decided yet, but I might take a week off, for my own mental state. Maybe I'll do something FUN with my Sunday instead of lining up to get kicked in the balls yet again. I will be back--it's too much a part of me--but I could use a break. I don't really enjoy feeling like a sucker and that's what if feels like lately trying to root for a team that does not seem to care at all. Losing with dignity is something I can handle but what this season has turned into is something else. There is currently zero entertainment value. Zero heart. The Buffalo Bills are making football feel like a dental appointment instead of something fun. Right now this organization does not deserve its fans and the fans definitely deserve something better.
  4. [Dusts off the Losman jersey, hangs it up on the back of the door ready for Sunday. Sighs wistfully and pauses in rememberance of opportunities wasted. Turns, lifts head high, and with just a hint of a smile…] Now let's go kill those sissy turqoise and creamsicle bastards!
  5. It's better if you just order your drinks one at a time. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it's considered kind of tacky to order your whole evening's worth of drinks all at once. People will look at you sitting at your table with 14 drinks hoarded together in front of you and say, "who the hell does that guy think he is?" Plus, I don't know how you plan to carry them. Most high class bars don't have those cardboard multiple beverage carrying containers.
  6. PBR, can. Chilled and served on its side with a small circular hole punched out near the bottom.
  7. No. I'd feel a little bit better, but if you want to talk about forgiveness, I'd need to see something more like... Bills 63 Nutless Sea Mammals 0
  8. MC Peepants, the mentally insane, eight-foot spider who wears a shower cap and a diaper? Actually, MC Peepants was nominated, but the award for Most Audacious R&B Performance went to
  9. I don't even know anymore. My brain is pudding from all the whining and speculation. I only want one thing: To watch my football team play a football game in JANUARY. And it looks like I can't have that so I will have to resort to some combination of booze and possibly finding something else of value in my life to care about.
  10. Do not dismiss Lil Wayne. He is possibly the greatest American songwriter since Bushwick Bill from the Geto Boys. Some of his ringtones will be remembered for weeks to come. The Grammy is a very serious award. They don't just give those out to no talent jerks you know.
  11. Wow, I guess it really has gotten that bad. Excuse me, I have to go kick my own ass...
  12. Ok, here goes… The dolphins are so lame, they are only slightly better than the Bills this year. I hope they get beat in the first round of the playoffs. Sorry, that's the best I can muster.
  13. 7 years old. With an older woman. I used to stay sometimes at this family's house to be babysat. They had a very pretty 11 or 12 year old daughter named Lisa. One day she said she wanted me to help her practice kissing. That was a fun summer.
  14. Happy Birthday, Nick! Happy Birthday, Thirdborn!
  15. smart, pretty, funny, sexy, kind, considerate, sensitive, open-minded, strong, caring, creative, understanding & forgiving of all my faults.
  16. The show was last night. I liked it very much. Mostly it was just Ray and another guitar player (Bill Shandley?) on stools with acoustics. They sounded fantastic and Ray was in a great mood. There was plenty of conversation and storytelling between and during songs. Many songs from Ray's solo albums, but lots of Kinks stuff too. The lead guitar player was really excellent and filled out the songs very well. At the end, they brought out the opening band to rock out electric on You Really Got Me, Victoria and Lola. It sounded pretty damn good and you could tell Ray was having a ball, smiling his ass off and jumping around. I'd highly recommend seeing him if you have a chance and if you're a fan at all. His voice still sounds great and he really seems to be feeling it and having a good time. Great show. Here's a pretty incomplete and out of order set list... Where Have All the Good Times Gone? Dead End Street After the Fall I’m Not Like Everybody Else The Tourist Dedicated Follower of Fashion Sunny Afternoon Working Man's Cafe Morphine Song A Well Respected Man Low Budget See My Friends 20th Century Man Set Me Free All Day and All of the Night You Really Got Me Victoria Lola
  17. You got me, you dirty lowdown good for nuthin bastard!
  18. Ouch! Tough question for a Bills-loss-Monday. Yes, I squandered my share of red zone opportunities. It was like Turk Schonert was calling my plays back then. Plus holding the ball too long on 4th and goal, shanking the easy ones off the post...not too smooth.
  19. Don't know. Hopefully we'll get updates soon. I'm also curious about Butler (probably ok), Schoebel (probably not) and Whitner (who knows?)
  20. Yes, it can happen. But I think the likelihood is exaggerated. The only 10-6 teams to miss the playoffs since the NFL went to the 8 division format in 2002 are... 2007 Browns 2005 Chiefs 2003 Dolphins Just watch. A couple of these teams will fade. At least one will tank. If the Bills finish 4-1 (and that's the hard part), especially with wins over the phins and pats*, I like their chances.
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