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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. That is a great one! The man's a poet.
  2. Uh, I think you're forgetting the greatest single season QB performance in Bills history... Year ATT Comp Yds TD Int Rating 2008 1 1 19 1 0 158.3 Player: Brian Moorman
  3. Goodbye, JP. Sorry it didn't work out. You seem like a good guy. Now please take your place on the garbage heap of promising quarterbacks ruined by the Buffalo Bills. Save a spot for Trent--he'll be there shortly.
  4. Do you know how long it takes a working man to save the money for Bills tickets? Just remember this, Mr. Wilson, that this rabble you're talking about... they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die with at least a chance of their team making the playoffs once in a decade? Anyway, my father didn't think so. People were human beings to him. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle. Well, in my book he died a much richer man than you'll ever be.
  5. Mike's life story is a sad one. When he says, "I'm really embarrassed with myself and my life," I feel for him. I just changed my sig line to one of the best quotes of all time, from Mike, in his honor...
  6. Yeah, that's right. The league probably would have folded if not for Ralph's generosity and cool-headedness. So how did George Bailey end up turning into Mr. Potter?
  7. I don't know much about the machines. I prefer to use free weights. I pick them up and then sort of swing and twirl around the room, jerking the weights back and forth as erratically as possible. The good thing about this program is that I don't have to do it very often as I am quite frequently injured.
  8. Well then, we might as well try to get Don Knotts as our new head coach and see if he can bring his friend Gus, the field goal kicking mule, along.
  9. I think you're right! It is like Major League. My suggestion is the Brewster's Millions solution, where some nutjob with a heart of gold comes in spending crazy amounts of cash.
  10. I don't know whose fault it is exactly. The stink of losing has taken hold like a fungus. It's not just Dick. It's not just the QB's. It's not just the receivers or play-calling (Turk). It's not just DB's playing too soft. It's not just a very poor pass rush. It's the whole team. It's just that dark cloud that lingers over your head when you're losing and everything you try just backfires. I was about to say that Marshawn is about the only guy lately who you can't blame, but look at how many dropped passes he's had. Quite a few first downs pissed away. Losing can be infectious. That's why I strongly disagree with those who have given up and whose mouths are watering for top ten draft picks. I'd rather get a couple wins here at the end to get that taste of winning back.
  11. From now on, I'm going to tie my shoes a little looser, just so I can pull them off real fast if I ever run into Dick Juaron.
  12. That's fine. He can throw JP under the bus. I hope he's ready to dive in there himself as well. And save a little room for Dick too. Also, I would like to be the one driving the bus at the time.
  13. I'll pile on. JP blew it! The play call was questionable, but it's the QB's job to protect the ball. There was a moment when JP felt the contact from behind on his shoulder pads and he made a terrible decision. He should have decided to protect the ball and take the sack. Instead, he decided to get desperate about a meaningless dinky little pass to the FB. He kept trying to make the throw, allowing the ball to get knocked free. Stupid, careless, loser move! JP blew this one. Period.
  14. That's just great! I was looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Now I have to start working on a plot to destroy you. Thanks a bunch, Beerbelly!
  15. Thank you for telling me who I am and what you think I think and why what you think I think is wrong.
  16. To me, this is the whole thing. It's the Winning Attitude that teams like the Steelers and dolphins have that makes the difference. Those teams go out there and lay it on the line. They fight hard, make plays, take chances, mix it up. They are having fun and you can tell when you watch them. Somehow, around the end of October, this Bills season turned into a pity party. All the life got sucked out and everybody started playing scared.
  17. Ha! It is a new level of stupid. Dick wants to argue semantics. What does the word "unacceptable" mean? It means you're out on your wishy-washy ass, you milquetoast bastard!
  18. I'm sick of Dick. I wish he'd go back to his old job. We haven't had a decent coach since Wade.
  19. GIANTS Player Att Yds Yds/Att Long TD Brandon Jacobs 195 1002 5.1 44 12 Derrick Ward 138 669 4.8 22 2 Ahmad Bradshaw 54 319 5.9 77 1 BILLS Player Att Yds Yds/Att Long TD Marshawn Lynch 218 875 4.0 50 7 Fred Jackson 86 361 4.2 24 1
  20. I think that's a valid question. Only 13 rushes for the top RB. And what's weirder… nobody else even took a handoff. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Freddie got a touch. I didn't see any end-arounds. JP took off a few times, but that was desperation, not any kind of running game. I also think it's weird that we have not seen Oman at all this year. I would guess that it's extremely rare for a team to only use a grand total of 2 RB's throughout a season. In one sense, it says something good about the health of Marshawn & Freddie. In another sense, it kind of says this team doesn't run enough.
  21. It doesn't matter how many stars are on this team. This team could take any star and turn him into a useless lump. It's like a Playdough Fun Factory in reverse.
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