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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ceiling, face, trim, shirt, pants, face, walls, trim again, shirt, doorknob, window, floor, dog. (I'm kind of a messy painter)
  2. You know, he could have just gone somewhere else. Plenty of places will make a Hitler cake for you. Actually, at Carvel, their Hitler ice cream cake is very popular. It's kind of lame looking though because it uses the same mold as the Fudgy the Whale and Santa Claus cakes. Kind of looks like Adolf has a horrific goiter or something.
  3. That's pretty cool. I was not aware of this series, but the vast majority of the stuff on the list is stuff that I love. I will have to check into these. I dig your short list for the next batch. Incidentally, I love the Tender Prey album, but if it were up to me, I'd pick Murder Ballads for the Nick Cave selection. I just love that album. I was glad to see that Pavement's Wowee Zowie and Elliott Smith's X/O are being considered. One other possible choice popped up in my head… Television - Marquee Moon.
  4. Happy Birthday, young Ofiba! (I don’t get the confusion about the name. Obviously it's just Abifo backwards)
  5. Happy Birthday! And congratulations--it's a rare thing for a man's age to exceed his IQ, but you did it ten years ago and you keep going.
  6. They did. They played with .500 of the effort they needed to. Result: 2-8 the rest of the way.
  7. You asked about tips for going to Canton. Practice, practice, practice. Stupid I know. Sorry.
  8. I don't know. Please forgive me. I googled the lyrics not trusting my memory. Then I did a quick paste without really checking it. You're right--it's a grievous error. Please accept my apology. Steve Martin deserves better. You deserve better. The discerning readers of TSW deserve better (the non-discerning ones can choke on their pizza in a cup for all I care). Please believe me when I say that I will do better in future posts.
  9. Sorry to say, but the homerun throwback was legit. The failure in that game was not on the refs, but the Bills special teams unit.
  10. All joking aside, these are tense times. While I do have confidence that Obama can use diplomacy to keep the peace for the short term, we will not be entirely secure until we can get away from our dependence on Candadian maple syrup. Drill here, drill now!
  11. Very odd… and somehow quite brilliant.
  12. It's kind of misleading for the guy to say "something new" going on in the universe. It's just that they had not listened for it before. It's not like we've been tuned in to this frequency and it was silent for years, then something happened all of a sudden.
  13. Wow, that map is exactly how I imagined. It's like all the ignorance just sinks to the bottom of the map. (I live in Georgia, so I'm allowed to say that)
  14. Oh yeah? Would a jerk have his name in print, right there in the phone book? That really makes somebody! Things are going to start happening for me now!
  15. I'm kind of broke right now--I can't really afford a tv. How 'bout a thermos? [singing] Oh, I'm picking out a thermos for you. Not an ordinary thermos, it's true. But the extra best thermos money can buy, with vinyl and stripes and custom right in...
  16. I agree it's gone a little too far. But the difference is that your cassettes, etc… are really just toys. TV (and keep in mind we're talking mostly about elderly people and poor people who are effected) is BROADCAST publicly and includes stuff like news, the emergency broadcast system, etc...
  17. That's true. I didn't even think about how fresh their breath must be.
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