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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. That's awesome for Donovan. I hope he keeps it up. There was talk that he might not even get much playing time. I always root for U.S. players overseas. Clint Dempsey recently scored both goals for Fulham against Chelsea, including one in extra time to get the tie 2-2. There's a U.S. vs. Sweden friendly tomorrow night. Fox Soccer Channel is showing it. But most of the top players will not be there. I'm looking forward to the WC qualifier against Mexico on Feb. 11.
  2. Sure. It would be worth it just for the fact that you could shatter the record for most safeties in a season with about 50.
  3. This is pure fiction. Nobody is suggesting that you are a white supremacist if you don't support Obama. Please remember that it was you who made the lame joke about crime rates dropping due to Obama supporters being in D.C. Then you tried to pretend that you did not know what the joke was about.
  4. What are you talking about? You didn't ruin anything.
  5. Wow, you got it bad. Does your shoulder hurt? ...(from reaching)
  6. Fair enough. I didn't call him a racist and I don't think he's a racist. He was just trying to stir the pot and he succeeded.
  7. Well, you have public ownership and you have corporate ownership. Both grand in scale. Both will always have their critics. The point is taking an honest look and determining how best to handle it. Public education (yes I know it has been declining) has done a tremendous amount of good for this country. Makes sense in my opinion. Health care? I don't really know. Maybe. I defer to the experts. I'm not qualified to crunch all the numbers. If there is a plan that can provide better health care to more people who need it and it makes sense logistically and financially, then I'm all for it.
  8. That's a valid point. Nothing done a grand scale is ever perfect.
  9. It's very cute and coy that you keep playing this angle. Meanwhile, we all know what was implied. I am not a racist for pointing this out.
  10. Technically, socialism is not even a form of government. It is an economic system. Democracy and socialism are not incompatible. Many aspects of our society are socialized: the post office, police, fire dept., public education. It is very convenient to use socialism as a dirty word, but in my opinion it's a matter of degree and how well it's executed.
  11. Why are you making it personal? Do you hate me? Do you know me?
  12. I picked Can belong to a non mainstream religion and represent my views, please explain All the obligatory God rhetoric makes me tired sometimes. I was glad to hear Obama acknowledge "non-believers" in his speech. Too often, agnosticism and atheism are not included when people talk about religious tolerance.
  13. Yes, it actually is pretty great. I can tell from the wealth of ignorance displayed in this thread so far that many people do not appreciate it or they take it for granted, but most people really do get it. It's just that idiots are always over-represented in the court of internet opinion.
  14. About 13 degrees here in Atlanta this morning when I was walking my dog, Billie. We have to pick up the doggie turds in little baggies. I call them "my little handwarmers."
  15. 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law preventin' me from gettin' my swerve on!
  16. We had a similar discussion a while back and I took some grief for saying that I like "Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)" by the Bee Gees. Other gays songs I like: "Kites Are Fun" - The Free Design "Sentimental Heart" - She & Him (Zooey Deschanel & M. Ward) several Belle & Sebastian Songs
  17. I think he means to say that the latch mechanism is frozen so that when he closes the door it does not click shut. At least that's the only way I can make sense of it. If that's not it, then I give up because all meaning is lost. Up is down, white is black, three consecutive 7-9 seasons is progress, etc...
  18. Wow, that is a new low! Poor woman--she probably had to put up with tons of abuse from this lunatic growing up. Sickening!
  19. I know if it was my company asking, the correct answer would be "run over the old lady with your car to get rid of her. Then, when the bus comes, push your old friend under it so you are no longer in debt to him. Then jump on the bus with the person of your dreams and hijack it to South America where operation costs are much cheaper."
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