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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I saw the thread title and knew instantly that it had to be about one of two things: gigantic boobs or southern bigotry. And I knew in either case I would be nauseated. I was right.
  2. I'm really sorry for the position you're in. I know that I'll be in the same spot before too long. I agree with what Aussie said--no matter what you decide, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Obviously you have struggled with this and done all you can. Think of the great life you have provided for your friend.
  3. I once made the mistake of jokingly referring to my girlfriend's period as "B--- J-- Week." I still think it was funny, but it did not turn out to be accurate in its depiction of actual events.
  4. My dog Billie (see my profile pic) has arthritis in her hips. She's a little over 12 years old now. About a year ago, she had a bad flare up and could not walk. The vet recommended an anti-inflammatory drug called Metacam. It has worked really well for her. I don't know if it will work for your dog or not (a small percentage of dogs' digestive systems won't tolerate it), but I suggest bringing it up with your vet. I believe it has added years to my Billie's life. She is back to running around like her regular happy self. I really hope you can find something that works for you. I know what an amazing friend a dog can be.
  5. I belate by one day, but Happy Birthday nonetheless to you fine good gentlemen!
  6. That is either very wise or just plain dirty--I'm not sure which way you were going with that.
  7. So what your saying is the only way we get rid of Dicky J is to win the SB? Oh, the irony!
  8. Next year at this time, after he makes the pro bowl, we'll have to make a catchy name for Chris Kelsay and stick it in there somewhere between god and Beast Mode.
  9. Beast Mode cannot be described in words. Beast Mode is not a thing or a substance in the conventional sense. That sort of thinking is misleading: Thinking of Beast Mode as some sort of object produces an understanding of Beast Mode that is less than the reality. Human language can only give hints that may help the mind to form an idea. It cannot be perceived but it can be glimpsed through its effects in the play of Marshawn Lynch. The most important thing about Beast Mode is how it works in the world and how human beings relate to it. Philosophical speculation about what Beast Mode actually is is less important than living in spontaneous response to Beast Mode.
  10. I think they're still together. He has said that they are in it for the long haul. It aint over till the fa- oh wait...
  11. Who cares? Now she can concentrate on what really matters, her music. Mark my words: we have not yet seen or heard the best of Miss Jessica Simpleton.
  12. Sure, the logic is sound and the colorful illustrations are very persuasive, but let me present to you a counter-argument: Maybe they are not.
  13. Ok, I really am a dope. I just took a liquor recommendation from a teetotaler.
  14. That's really funny. Actually, I find the subject of connoisseurship really interesting. It seems like for everything a person can enjoy, there is always the elusive idea of a better version of it, whether it's scotch, wine, cuisine, audio equipment, cars, grilled cheese sandwiches, breast enhancement, etc... And of course, everybody will have his own point of diminishing returns (for me, for grilled cheese sandwiches, it's around $2.50). Sometimes I think about how much better some really expensive speakers would sound. Other times I think about how good a Pabst Blue Ribbon can taste after helping a friend move all day. I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  15. Thank you for validating my lack of refinement. I'm gonna check me out some Kessler's.
  16. I like whiskey that kicks a little. I've tried some of the fancy top shelf scotches. My dad really loves the JW Blue. They just don't do it for me. I guess I just don't have very sophisticated taste buds. Scotch, even the really good stuff, just always tastes kind of "wormy" to me. I like Jameson's, Jim Beam, Dickel, Wild Turkey, Maker's Mark. Stuff like that. I kind of feel the same way about vodka. I like Smirnoff and Stoli. Kettle One is about the most expensive one I like. I do not like Absolut at all. When you get into the fancy expensive brands, they taste too clean to me, i.e., not really like vodka anymore.
  17. Beebe is open every single time for the long ball!
  18. Never in a million years could I have imagined that these four words could be used in succession to convey anything of any meaning whatsoever. It's a strange world.
  19. Good thread. I've read all this stuff, plus a whole bunch of stuff from Lostpedia (awesome site!) and my mind is pudding and I think I like it.
  20. I haven't been, but I'd like to go. When I was a kid, my doctor always said the same thing to me as advice for life long health: Stop kissing girls and go to Aruba. So far I haven't taken his advice on either count. Maybe that's why I feel crappy most of the time.
  21. I remember reading his story "A&P" in high school and loving it. Then I read Rabbit Run and that's still one of my all time favorites.
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