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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I think we've hit bottom with this thing.
  2. Oh, sweet mama! What a game! I'm really really glad I stayed up for that.
  3. Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.
  4. That is disappointing. Ryan Adams is a massive tool.
  5. Tell me about it! These guys are worth millions and they're walking around in a vulnerable state. God forbid a beaker of hydrochloric acid gets knocked over during a furious towel-snapping episode and spills on Aaron's Schoebel or Ashton's Youboty.
  6. I'm so tired of this issue of locker room chemistry coming up all the time. Bottom line: it is potentially harmful to the players. I say take all that chemistry crap out of there and put it where it belongs, in a lab of some kind. I mean, do other pro sports teams have to deal with this crap? Totally bush league in my opinion!
  7. Cue the Johnny Cash boom-chicka guitar… Don't take your guns to town son Leave your guns at home, Lynch Don't take your guns to town
  8. How sad. Again, it's about imagining a hypothetical scenario. Nobody is making any wild claims about the likelihood of it happening. It's just a fun little thought experiment. You are definitely not invited to QB Bills' sick and amazing Super Bowl Victory Party.
  9. Wow! If it really does ever come to pass, I'm partying with this guy!!!
  10. I love the Bills and I have all the respect in the world for Bills fans, but many people are still delusional about what happened at the end of that game. The ball did not travel forward (although it may have seemed to from the original angle). Unfortunately the refs made the right call--the lateral was legit. It sucks and it broke my heart, but you cannot hang it on the refs. If you want to blame someone, start with those special teams players who abondoned their lanes.
  11. Wow, I'm so sorry. I hope you have a good lawyer. I'm not 100% clear on what you're talking about, but I'd guess a convicted rooster-a-hoop would not last too long in the hooskow.
  12. That's odd. You say you hate to correct him, but I get the distinct impression that you in fact take great pleasure in it.
  13. I understand there is a huge increase in people living in a van down by the river!
  14. When /dev/null first saw that Sports Illustrated feature on Rob Johnson with the pics of him hanging out in his hot tub, he said to himself, "you know something? I really like this kid's moxie." Then he immediately went and looked up "moxie" in the dictionary and realized he had been very very wrong about the meaning of this word.
  15. Can anyone help me with some dream symbolism? Last night I dreamed that I got kicked in the stomach by a billy goat. What might this reveal about my psyche? I suspect that it is not good.
  16. Really? I have. I work with some people who are some of the poorest conversationalists that you could ever have the misfortune of spending large quantities of time with.
  17. My random thought is a pet peeve: People Who Refuse To Consider A Hypothetical Situation. Do you ever get this? You're having a conversation with someone and you say, for example, "what would you do if you broke both your arms at the same time--how would you brush your teeth, dress, wipe, etc...?" And the other person just says, "that'll never happen." So you say, "I know, I'm just saying WHAT IF..." Then the other person goes, "that won't happen because I never get hurt. I'm very durable and well coordinated--I never get injured." And you go, "I realize it's very unlikely but it is logically and physically possible and I'm asking you to consider this hypothetical scenario for the purpose of discussion because it is interesting to me..." And the other person refuses once again to consider it even as a possibility and they go on to discuss their athletic prowess and how in high school they played sports or something and never got hurt and they're so great, blah blah blah. People who do this make me angry.
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