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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I believe, technically speaking, this is the "muff," no? The mound remains the mound regardless of landscaping.
  2. Life s'bin goodda me sssafar His daughter Lucy is pretty hot.
  3. Kanye does. He likes to put 'em in his mouth.
  4. I don't think it's fair to say that the Bills used to find these gems in late rounds and they simply don't anymore. It's a kind of selective memory in my opinion. You listed 17 players over a period of 16 years. It would be a very very long list if you listed all the guys that never made a mark at all from those years. Some recent success story finds have already been listed in this thread. Overall, it's pretty consistent--most of these late-rounders and undrafted guys come to nothing and a few of them blossom. Same then as now.
  5. No. It appears that his groceries somehow took the bullet for him. Lucky for Desmond that was the bag with the chunky soup cans in it and not the one with the chips and bread. Really great episode. They gave us a lot in this one.
  6. It's funny how, as a Bills fan, you can just be innocently going about your day and BLAM! a swift punch in the **** reminder of your team's failures.
  7. Yeeesh! Let me say first that I am a huge fan of this show. But I do have to laugh sometimes at the levels of confusion. You have all this supernatural stuff, all the unanswered questions, "what the island wants," dead people walking around, etc... then you add time travel. And now… doppelgangers! I can't wait to see what's next.
  8. I think the Bills need to get their proverbial "wang back to the mound" too. I think they need it real bad.
  9. Speaking of unreliable scum lickers, what do you guys think of Skooby and his so-called sources?
  10. I'd be ok with it, but they're going to have to pick up one more legit ball carrier as well, either in draft or FA. Early in the year, Lynch will most likely be out for 2-4 games. Late in the year, there will be at least a couple games where the passing game is eliminated by weather. Right now, this team has only 2 legit RB's. After that, Omon is the only RB on the roster and his numbers from all last year are 5 yards on 6 carries. I remember him even looking unimpressive in pre-season last year. I think you have to acquire some quality here in order to spread it around.
  11. Did I just get called a minion by a SKOOBY apologist? Well, I never...!
  12. Speaking of senseless hard-ons, what do you guys think of Skooby and his so-called sources?
  13. Please take your deep FO sources and F/O, deeeeeeeeep!
  14. It's awful. I can't imagine what it's like for those caught in the middle of a disaster like this.
  15. Happy Birthday to two beloved TV legends! Bob had that popular carpentry show of course and who could ever forget Dr. Trooth's amazing band from the Muppet Show? Cheers!
  16. Well, that's a new one. (sorry, I can't help you)
  17. Happy Birthday to Cincy! Have a great one, kid!
  18. Have a great Birthday, Taterhill!
  19. 3-0. Good game for the U.S. Altidore with the hat trick, wow! Even though the 3rd one was pretty soft, this has to be very good for his confidence. I think the Altidore/Ching striker combo is a winner. It's better for Donovan and Dempsey (and eventually Adu too), who are more comfortable as offensive-minded midfielders. Ching's back-header on the first goal was a thing of beauty. Onyewu looked really solid. The U.S. should have had more goals. The finishing continues to be a little shaky, especially against a pretty ragged looking T&T. But you can't really complain about a 3-0 result. I think their goal coming in was to be patient and control all aspects of the game. They did that. By the way, Mexico lost to Honduras 3-1. Youch! Sven has to be feeling like one sorry ass gringo in good ol' May-hee-co.
  20. I rarely am brought to that point. And it's very cute how you always play coy after you intentionally get people stirred up. Your whole schtick is completely disingenuous. With your bogus "rumors." And your bragging about your BMW "sources." People get angry with you because that's exactly what you go fishing for. You said it yourself… You know what I think? I think you WISH you could be the anti-Christ. But the truth is not nearly that grandiose. You are simply an annoying attention-craving little infant.
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