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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Everything comes together just right. Maybin is an instant star, striking fear in to the hearts of all opposing QB's. The defense attacks, smothers and takes the ball away. The o-line works with the new beef in the middle and Walker and Butler at the edges. Trent finds a comfy spot in the pocket and spreads the ball around to a variety of targets. Lynch and Jackson and Rhodes run to daylight. 14-2, AFC East Champs. 1st round bye.
  2. I wish I could "lock in" my body type. I don't need to be adding any more bulk to this frame. We'll see if Maybin can make the grade when he gets on the field. I will be glad when the season starts and we don't have to hear about body types and what is the ideal build for whatever position. We'll have a much better measuring stick: who can make plays!
  3. Happy Birthday, Joe! I'll drink a few in your honor too. Cheers!
  4. The effectiveness did seem to fade out as the season went on. But with White they have the added element of the QB shifting out wide to line up as a WR and actually having a chance of making a reception.
  5. The report I read said he lacks the lateral mobility for tackle in the NFL and is more suited to the interior.
  6. The Raiders are adding a ton of entertainment value to this draft. Obviously old man Davis is running wild. I can't wait to see the rest of their picks.
  7. Well, the experts are going to be disappointed because everybody knows a surprise is not as fun if you are expecting it.
  8. I'll say one thing about that ridiculous gum-drop-totin' hippie--he can take a good tasering.
  9. Tell me about it. I'm a vegetarian. I like baked beans. I've never understood the need to always throw pork into an otherwise nice dish. Don’t get me started on vegetable soup with chicken stock as the first ingredient.
  10. I don’t think being able to read music is all that important for a guitar player. Standard music notation seems kind of awkward for guitar. You pretty much just need to know the chord progression and if you needed to transcribe a lead line or solo, tablature is much much better and easier in my opinion. I'm sure someone like EVH has a very advanced understanding of music theory whether or not he can actually "read music." Same for just about everyone mentioned in this thread.
  11. Statements are true or false. If the stated opinion was, "I don't care for gay marriage," I would have absolutely no objection.
  12. He presented an opinion that is false. If I said to you, "Dick Jauron is the most successful coach in the history of the NFL because my cat told me so, " you might take a moment to try to correct me on that. You might not, but you might.
  13. How does Darwinism oppose gay marriage? Gay people have always been around, all throughout human history. Obviously, every single gay person ever born was the product of sex between a male and female. Your point is ludicrous.
  14. Is it weird at all that this thread is making me kind of want to marry a dude?
  15. Ah yes, the Catholic Church…, which says true love can only be between one man and one woman. Or one elderly man of god and one young boy who will keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him.
  16. I think I can clear this whole thing up. Apparently it's just a great big wacky misunderstanding. All you opponents of gay marriage: You do realize of course that if it's legalized you will not actually be required to marry another dude, right? It's only for other people who want to do it.
  17. Just because a belief is popularly held for a long time and passed down through generations does not make it true. This is one of the most common fallacies*. That is the reason so many people are critical of beliefs that are backed up with religion. If you believe something strongly, you really need to be able to back it up with reasons. Tell us why you say it's wrong--not just that your parents believed it, so you believe it too. *EDIT: Actually, it's a combination of three informal fallacies: 1. Appeal to Tradition, 2. Appeal to the Masses, 3. Appeal to Authority
  18. Not so. The following clip states very clearly the sound, irrefutable case against same-sex marriage. (NSFW)
  19. Happy Birthday to three people who have never been in my kitchen. Cheers!
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