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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Thirty-oneth? I was hoping at least they'd be in the top eleventeen. Anyway, fear not. Pre-season power rankings are much like Skooby's BMW predictions: of little consequence and best disregarded.
  2. Well, there's Bastards and there's Magnificent Bastards. And then you got Ajzepp. Happy Birthday, sir!
  3. He's gonna regret this decision. They're both equally hot, but Veronica is nag and high-maintenance him to death.
  4. Barcelona was impressive and they deserved the 2-0 win. I was rooting for Barcelona, but I found myself hoping for Utd. to make a better game of it. Considering all the incredible talent Utd. has, I cannot explain how they were not able to create chances. Barcelona did show amazing precision and control, but I think you have to say also that Utd. had a crap night. So many of their attacking through-passes were simply off the mark. A little disappointing. This summer I'll be turning my attention again to the national teams. Lots of good WC qualifiers, friendlies and tournaments. I'll be watching the progress of team USA.
  5. Whenever I feel the need to entertain myself with spectacularly catastrophic slapstick misadventures and the ultimate absurdity of human folly, I just read a couple Skooby threads.
  6. JP will be on an NFL roster this year.
  7. Barcelona vs. Man. United today at 2:25pm on ESPN Sorry, I meant to post this yesterday so people could program their dvr's, but I forgot.
  8. I'm gonna go with the first Bob Dylan album (eponymous). This one never seems to get any ink, but It's pretty damn good in my opinion.
  9. Wow! I'm really glad I watched that game. That tying goal at :04 was ridiculous! Congrats, SU!
  10. Welcome back, Sketch. Since the scene takes place in a government office, we can safely assume that an exchange of blowjobs has taken place. Therefore, this "person" person is least informed because he or she does not even know that the "man" is actually the governor in disguise (there is nothing a governor loves more than an incognito blowjob).
  11. I'm glad you asked. I didn't get that either.
  12. Speaking of getting entertainment value from nonsense uttered by vapid twats, what do you guys think of Skooby's claim that his BM is worth more than your house?
  13. That's a very good point, Tom, but from now on when you use a quotation at the end of a sentence, please put the period before the quotation mark, not after it. Same goes for the commas too. Thank you.
  14. I just think the whole goddamm thing is so absolutely everlovin' wonderful, I just almost can't hardly stand it. It's truly a banner day for classy broads everywhere. Go U.S.A.!
  15. Aw Christ, here we go. Keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. Make sure the safety bar is secure and in the locked position. Enjoy the ride.
  16. See that word below your screen name? It says "Rookie." There will be no rubbing of anything in any faces other than your own.
  17. Feliz cumpleanos para cinco bastardos en el Cinco de Mayo!
  18. As my mom would say, "that's a lotta cheesecake, Lou!" (We never knew why she said that). Congrats on your impressive landmark achievement!
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