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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. One more loudmouth B word, ruining the lives of everybody around her.
  2. Is anybody actually surprised that "the kid is not my son?" They have blonde hair. When the dust settles, Michael will be remembered as one of the most screwed up individuals who ever lived.
  3. I wanna read a book about how DC Tom got to be such a sweetheart.
  4. I don't care how old you are. Don't let them divide us like this. Regardless of when you were born, the following things should be rejected: Twitter, racism, pointless wars, the Jonas Brothers, fear-based dogmatism, child beauty pageants, animal cruelty. The following things need to be preserved or brought back: occasionally spending a little bit of time outdoors, TBD, Beethoven, science, being nice to people, humor, grilled cheese sandwiches.
  5. Was there a time when each day passed less? We will win.
  6. I'm surprpised no one mentioned Crimes and Misdemeanors yet. Or Bullets Over Broadway. Or Mighty Aphrodite. Or Deconstructing Harry. These are all top notch. Woody has a really amazing body of work in my opinion.
  7. Bills: Hardcore fan since about 1980. The gnarled lump of scar tissue where my heart used to be still believes it can happen one day. U.S. soccer: Sabres: I got some minor satisfaction as a casual fan of the 1983 76ers. As a kid, Dr. J was my hero and he finally got his title. Also, the Orangemen winning the NCAA tournament in 2003 was nice.
  8. It's these damn nihilists. They believe in nussing. Nussing! And tomorrow they come back and cut off your chonson. Yeah, your wiggly penis. Yeah and maybe they stomp on it and squoosh it.
  9. There's gonna be poojing in the streets tonight! Happy Birthday!
  10. The absurdity of this statement brings my mind to a halt.
  11. Big time heartbreaker. Overall, a very good tournament for the U.S. though. Lots of positives. Second place in a tournament like this is no joke. Awesome experience for these players.
  12. Well said! I was struggling with how to try to describe it. And I'm no expert, so a lot of what I perceive is clouded by what others say and my own imagination. I was thinking that it was a certain Magic Johnson quality of creative playmaking, made to look effortless and usually with big smiles on their faces. Specifically players like Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho (why is he missing from this team? Is he injured?). Also, I have these amazing images of Pele bouncing around in my head that add to the mystique I think. I agree that Brazil is as capable as ever. I just don't see them smiling too much anymore.
  13. Anybody watch the Brazil / S.A. game yesterday? S.A. surprised me. They nearly stole it. I think Brazil will be more focused in the final. By the way, what happened to that fun Brazillian style? This new generation of Brazillian football is boring. Still effective, but all the love is gone.
  14. Yup, many dog owners are truly clueless. They think they are disciplining, but really they're just confusing the hell out of these poor dogs. By the way weimaraners (I had to look up the spelling) are as beautiful as any breed of dog. I had one when I was a kid. They can be a challenge because of their very high energy, but they are gorgeous dogs.
  15. Boy, if I had a nickel for every time somebody asked me this… I like Steely's idea. Man, I'm hungry!
  16. By the way, I just want to call out Donovan for a great game. He was all over the place, filling in wherever it was needed. Sometimes they track certain players total running (usually around 5-6 miles). I'd be curious to see Donovan's for this game. Plus, he consistently made good touches on the ball, relieving pressure and moving forward. A+ This one felt a little bit like the 2006 WC game against Italy that ended in a draw, only better! Donovan basically playing several positions at once, lifting up the whole team by example. He does not always play up to his potential, but in games like this he proves his worth. Onyewu, DeMerit, Bocanegra, Howard, Jozy were all great too. Really, I did not see a poor performance out there. The total effort and dedication was a joy to watch! One other thing that I'm excited about: Feilhaber looks to be back in top form. For a while there, it seemed like he disappeared from the scene. I expect that without Bradley (the red card was total crap in my opinion), Feilhaber will get the start in the final. U - S - A! U - S - A! U - S - A! U - S - A! U - S - A!
  17. I've always kind of wanted to name a dog "Poops."
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