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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I have this dvd (as long as Tops isn't selling a different version). It's the complete broadcast. Check out Todd Christensen rocking the greasy broadcaster mullet.
  2. Come on Lana. You knew what you were starting. This thread is snowballing out of control.
  3. Hmmm… the snazziness of this guy's sequins seems to working against him here, as it merely serves to illuminate the absurdity of his folly. So sad.
  4. I submit to you that she was never really that hot. Even in the "before" picture, I can see the latent skanky meth whore waiting to blossom. By the way, you know what's nice? Sequins! Got some old dingy vest lying around? Glue some shiny sequins all over it…POW! Snazzy!
  5. A couple other good ones... Saving Face. Asian lesbians. Lost and Delirious. All girl boarding school. (The tag line is "Friends, Roommates, Lovers")
  6. Femme Fatale is a terrible movie, but there's a scene near the beginning with Rebecca Romijn and some other beautiful girl that is By the way, I voted for Mullholland Drive. Better lesbian scenes, far better movie.
  7. Hondurans are passionate about soccer. They have had to put up with a lot of crap (poverty, natural disasters, shaky politics). Lately, they seem to be improving their game. They have a decent chance of qualifying for the World Cup for the first time since 1982. Honduras is cool.
  8. Duh, it's what's on the opposite side of a bee's hamstring. It's just a lesser collection of players. As opposed to the A-squad. Many of the top notch U.S. players just had a stretch with the national team and are either getting a rest or going back to their club team responsibilities.
  9. I'm not really familiar with him. I missed the Grenada game. I'll have to check him out tomorrow.
  10. USA vs. Honduras, Wed. 7/8 at 9pm ET on Fox Soccer Channel. It's a step down in intensity from the Confederations Cup. For the most part, it's a B-squad for team USA. But some top players like Steve Cherundolo, Freddy Adu and Charlie Davies will be featured. Also, it was just announced that Benny Feilhaber was just added to the roster for this game. USA beat Grenada 4-0 over the weekend. They finish up group play against Haiti this Saturday at 7pm (also televised on FSC).
  11. I dig the way you guys do business.
  12. Sports are great. There's always some jackass trying to cheat or punching his girlfriend in the offseason, but that does not make me less of a fan. There's great drama in all kinds of games. I can get wrapped up in stuff that I'm not even a big fan of. Yesterday I watched the men's Wimbledon final and it was absolutely amazing! But I'm not really much of a tennis fan overall. Same thing for this year's SU lacrosse final. Holy crap, I'll probably never forget the crazy ending of that game. I've personally been involved in some hugely entertaining (but low skill level) contests of basketball, ping pong, football, soccer, tennis, sled racing, broomball, etc... I just boggles my mind that some people would go out of their way to argue that a given sport is not only not to their individual liking, but somehow intrinsically inferior or not worthy of a fan's attention. Just a stupid waste of time. It's like arguing about your favorite flavor of ice cream. Stupid. They're all pretty damn good.
  13. Smits? Wow, you guys really do run a first class operation!
  14. A whole generation of baseball "superstars" has smeared disgrace all over the record books. Baseball is not "better than" soccer.
  15. I don't agree that it's "tragically flawed" at all. Knock the ball in the goal. Quite pure as sports go. If you want to talk about flaws, we could go all day on football. Lots of penalties, TV timeouts, drawn out official reviews, bringing out the chains, etc… that suck the life out of a game. Extremely convoluted rule book. Players with certain numbers having different limitations and lining up differently. Rules change all the time based on complaints from the previous year, decided by a committee. Technological issues (headsets, possibility of stealing signals, camera angles). I can't think of another sport that requires a referee to explain to the crowd what just happened on a given play and why they ruled that way. You could look at all these things as flaws or you could look at it as adding to the drama. In a sense, football is absolutely uniquely American. It's incredibly specialized, position by position. It's also the most litigious sport. Every single thing is disputed and reviewed and discussed and revised. To me, it's all part of the game that I love. Having said all that, the diving in soccer does bother me sometimes. I think players that dive should be mocked, laughed at, called pussies and regarded as fools who take away from the beauty of the game.
  16. soccer fans = cool soccer disregarders = cool soccer haters = cool soccer haters who go on and on about why soccer fans should not be soccer fans = douchebaggery
  17. Not to me. I enjoy watching soccer. Maybe you can imagine what that's like. Take, for instance, the pleasure you get from complaining about stuff you don't understand--now try to imagine that other people get a similar feeling from other aspects of life on planet Earth.
  18. Actually, the vast majority of soccer games are concluded in less than two hours. 90 minutes uninterrupted, with a 15 minute halftime, plus a couple minutes of extra time added to each half.
  19. Happy Birthday to a great poster with a very memorable avatar. Cheers!
  20. I'm gonna have to look at the YouTube video of the tasering before I make my decision.
  21. Hey, don't make this an indictment of the great game of soccer. Keep the blame where it belongs, on Columbians.
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