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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Dear Drayton, Shut your !@#$ing mouth and play football. Thanks a bunch, gringo starr p.s. Mike Vick is a piece of $#!+ and twitter is gay.
  2. I voted a very big NO. What he did was sick. It was too cruel. And the whole "he made a mistake" argument does not fly. What he did was systematic, over a period of years. I've been a hardcore Bills fan for over 25 years, through a lot of rough times. If Vick is on the roster, I cease to root for the team. Period.
  3. 5-0, Mexico. Total defensive collapse in the second half. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden the back line lost all timing and organization and Mexico was getting breakaways all over the place. This group of second & third string youngsters finally got exposed against a more talented team. I kind of hate that Mexico fans flooded Giants stadium for this and got to celebrate such a huge shutout. I still feel very good about Holden. Beckerman may have earned himself a look for the WC sqaud too. Next month in Mexico City for WC Qualifying will be very different (with the real U.S. National Team).
  4. I have no clue about soccer betting. It's like reading the miscellaneous charges on my phone bill--makes no sense to me.
  5. Thank you, Sven! Awesome report. Stuff like this is just what I need for my Bills withdrawal.
  6. Ya think one day there will be a book called Then Jauron Tentatively Mumbled to Edwards…?
  7. Yes, I suffered some injury to my delicate sensibilities, but I just assumed it was from all the arguing about Skooby and that Dog moron. I had no idea it was this old fartknocker's fault.
  8. I was thinking this was pretty damn cool until I read this at the end of the article... That's just catastrophic! I'm surprised we haven't heard more about this.
  9. Have no fear. Haven't you heard? Forty is the new twelve. Happy Birthday, Kiwi!
  10. That's the kind of thing that could make her a regular on the VH1 show.
  11. I guess it's possible that Vick made an impression with his prison record and with speaking privately with the commish. I personally don't buy it, but who knows. I'd like to see for myself, Vick talking about what he's learned. I remember when the accusations first came out, how adamant he was that he had absolutely no involvement in any dog fighting. And he apparently lied right to Goodell's face about it too. Even after he was busted, his whole apology act was a put on. Clearly his only regret was getting caught. Now I'm curious if Vick can string three words together without licking his lips and looking down. If he's a new man, I need to see it for myself.
  12. Team USA looked good tonight. 2-0 victory. On to the finals on Sunday against the winner of Mexico vs. Costa Rica (game going on right now). I'm really excited about the emergence of this Holden kid. I've been watching him closely throughout this tournament--he is no fluke. Like Magox said earlier in this thread, a tourney like this is all about discovering one or two new stars. Holden is a perfect example.
  13. It is a joke. I'm really surprised by this. I think the NFL looks pretty stupid on this one. Should be interesting watching this circus play out. I can't imagine too many teams willing to take on all the drama that will come with this walking piece of garbage. And frankly I don't see much upside either. It will have to be quite a bargain. I don't claim that my view is representative of anyone else's, but I will say that I personally would not root for a Bills team with Vick on the roster.
  14. I watched an interesting game yesterday. Friendly between LA Galaxy and AC Milan. Beckham and Donovan teamed up on a very impressive fast break goal in the first half. The game finished 2-2. It was clear that AC Milan treated it as a pre-season warm-up and the Galaxy players were looking to impress. Beckham was delivering insanely accurate balls all over the field. He was really busting his ass in this game, helping back on defense, challenging players, running the entire field hard. It was clear that he is trying to earn back some respect. The game was in LA and many fans were booing him loudly. I think it would be very interesting for MLS if the Galaxy were to win the championship this year. It seems possible with Donovan and Beckham playing the way they are now and with the positive changes Bruce Arena has made to the team.
  15. Here are some more interesting vital statistics... total wings consumed: 52,737 total beers: 83,420 cars owned: 33 woman conquered: 125 virgins deflowered: 7 Bills superbowl victories: 0 eternal optimism: priceless Cheers'n 'em up!
  16. The question posed in the title was merely rhetorical. There was another thread titled, "Why does anyone give a $#!+ about soccer." So I was just sort of providing some contrast and a different forum for the more enlightened sports fans. Thank you for your thoughtful insights.
  17. The Gold Cup semifinal games are tomorrow (7/23). USA vs. Honduras at 7pm ET on FSC. This one will be very tough for this group of players. If they advance to the finals against either Mexico or Costa Rica, it will be even tougher.
  18. Not me. At first glance, I assumed it was a verb, meaning to make spicier in a latin sort of way. Example: "Poojer sure salsified his Jimmy Buffet party when he popped in that Gloria Estefan cd and started dancing the forbidden dance of desire."
  19. I watched the game last night. I don't watch MLS very often, but I was pleasantly surprised at the overall quality of play. The three goals the Galaxy scored in the first half were first rate. Donovan was the best player out there.
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