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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I saw that. Yeah, it was reckless and awkward, but I couldn't help thinking to myself that it looked like something Jim Kelly would do. The Bills could use some of that particular style of recklessness that errs on the side of fun kickass football.
  2. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It was a pleasure closing out of that terrible justintv feed. The level of frustration at the Bills performance was multiplied by 1,000 by the constant freezes. 2 seconds good, 5 seconds of freeze, jump ahead, repeat. Again, thank you. The radio feed is solid.
  3. Trick question. They would not get an STD due to impotence.
  4. To me, this ruling makes no difference whatsoever. Essentially, the cause of death remains the same: being a freak. I don't care what Reggie Coroner says in his official report.
  5. Bucko? What are you, Richie Cunningham all of a sudden? Maybe you should SIT ON IT!
  6. What the hell are you talking about? "Frivolous smartass jerk" is the absolute highest praise I have to offer. These are the things I value and what I aspire to be.
  7. Congratulations. You were able to collect some controversial and/or extremist comments from a fan message board. What a scoop.
  8. Wow, I guessed I missed that. I think dozed off and missed 1,100 posts or so. Anyway, I find it encouraging. Way to go Beerball. I consider it a victory for frivolous smartass jerks everywhere!
  9. Well, there it is. I won the goddamm thing.
  10. As long as I don't lose my VIP Lounge privelages or my precious six blue squares!
  11. Great. Now, instead of a real negotiation, I'm picturing some hacky scene from Broadway Danny Rose.
  12. Until now, I've had the "don't worry--it's still early" attitude. But now it's getting critical. I don't see that it's necessary to wait for Crabtree at all. Any 7th grade algebra student could look at this list of 1st rounders and figure out Maybin's contract. I blame both sides for dragging this out.
  13. Agreed. As long as the new ST rules do not include a speed limit, a special returner like Roscoe is gold.
  14. Why don't you hold my !@#$ing sh-- !@#$, you !@#$ !@#$ing son of a !@#$ !@#$ing !@#$?
  15. How come nobody ever talks about the second time Lazarus died? How long did he live after getting resurrected? Did he make good use of that time or did he remain a goodfernuthin bum? Was his family standing around at the second wake all cocky like they were sure he was coming back again?
  16. Wow, that's weird. LD takes a lot of abuse from casual fans. I feel that those who bust on him don't really understand what he brings in terms of talent, effort and unselfish play. I've seen him dig in in tough games against top international opponents, playing beyond his position and bailing out his teammates. He makes the U.S. team better, no doubt in my mind. And over the last year or so, his game has actually improved.
  17. You know what would be a fun trend? For fans to throw dog sh-- at Vick everywhere he goes.
  18. The litte Italian boy... "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl." The priest asks, "Is that you, little Joey Pagano?" "Yes, Father, it is." "And who was the girl you were with?" "I can't tell you, Father, I don't want to ruin her reputation." "Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?" "I cannot say." "Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?" "I'll never tell." "Was it Nina Capelli?" "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her." "Was it Cathy Piriano?" "My lips are sealed." "Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then?" "Please, Father, I cannot tell you." The priest sighs in frustration. "You're very tight lipped, Joey Pagano, and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself." Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?" "4 months vacation and five good leads."
  19. I'm afraid it's true what they're saying about you, Joe.
  20. Did you watch the game? Did you watch any of the Confederations Cup games?
  21. Agreed. It definitely did look like fatigue was a huge factor. There are good reasons Mexico never loses at Azteca. Then again, maybe the U.S. let all the hype get into their heads a bit. Some players really disappointed in this one. Bocanegra… I can't remember the last time I was impressed by his play. Ricardo Clark was nearly invisible. Ching looked woefully MLS out there. Altidore came in late and added zero spark. Charlie Davies did look very good. I was rolling my eyes when I saw he was starting, but then he got the goal and played well in spurts throughout. Onyewu looked solid as usual. Donovan made a beautiful pass on the goal and then he did his best to cover ground and fill holes as needed, but with little positive effect. I liked Cherundolo's hustle. Feilhaber looked good to me and I was very glad to see him subbed in, but he didn't get many chances. I loved to see Feilhaber stick up for his teammate in that 2nd half scuffle. Holden again looked world class! (this kid is no joke--he needs to be starting for the WC, possibly in place of Dempsey). He nearly got the draw with a brilliant crossing ball late. Overall, I was disappointed with the result, but I don't think it's cause for too much concern. We should see the U.S. looking dominant for the rest of qualifying.
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