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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. "The only thing that I know with absolute certainty is that the highest form of human excellence is spewing forth smarmy, half-baked, reactionary comments on a Buffalo Bills message board." - Socrates
  2. That's too bad. I hate the dolphins, but I can't help liking Pennington. Injuries suck.
  3. Yup, this has been a regular experience for me for quite a while now--pretty much ever since the short-lived Bledsoe honeymoon.
  4. I do and say whatever I want, when I want. Thank you. Sincerely, The Internet
  5. Irony? Dude's name sounds like "BREEZE," but he can't handle it?
  6. I met Howard Ballard, under weird circumstances. It was a Saturday morning in 1989. I was in my dorm room at SUNY Morrisville. There was a knock at the door. My roommate answers it and the largest person I have ever seen was standing in the doorway (filling the doorway). Turns out he was my roommate's Uncle, picking him up to take him home for the weekend. I talked to him for a minute and shook his hand. He was a very nice guy.
  7. I heard his name a couple times. He made a key run stop at the line of scrimmage in the first half.
  8. Yes. In fact, I think you're guilty of understatement on both counts. Truly horrible movie--offensively bad really. But Dana looks so hauntingly beautiful throughout, it's still pretty much a must-see.
  9. Hey Dev, I think your slashes are leaning the wrong way [/dev/null looks away for a second...] Lead change!
  10. I can't decide if I'm a winner because I win, or if I win because I'm a winner. Either way,...
  11. I got your standard right here [gestures, indicating pants area, nodding emphatically]
  12. You know what? I'm so sick of this holier-than-thou attitude we always get from Californians on the subject of chicken !@#$ing. I mean, just because you invented chicken !@#$ing, celebrate it openly, allow it in restaurants, are able to indentify other chicken !@#$ing practitioners at a glance, etc… does not mean that we here on the east coast are somehow less sophisticated. Newsflash: anybody can !@#$ a chicken. It's not an east coast / west coast thing. Bigot!
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