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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. EDWARDS: I'm really smart. I went to Stanford. I drink my own urine to replenish vitamins.
  2. Besides showing zero guts or accountability, Trent's answer is infuriating to me because it's another example of my number one pet peeve: When people refuse to consider a hypothetical situation. Trent, you sorry bastard, we know you are not a fan. The question was what IF... You stupid !@#$.
  3. The Browns just earned the honor of the worst-played victory ever.
  4. Strategy: You kind of have to let them walk into the endzone on the next play. No?
  5. Wow! Who said the game will be lost on a penalty in the EZ for a safety? Here it comes...
  6. hummina hummina pant pant pant [eyes bug out, tongue rolls out…] ah-oooooga! Jebediah Springfield can keep his noble spirit, I got something embiggening in my pants.
  7. I'll be watching tonight. Should be interesting. I hope JP lights it up.
  8. Nope. I just concluded my research on that girl. It turns out I was right. Her name is Lihwa. Not only is she overweight, but according to my interviews with several of her close acquaintances, she has a very unpleasant disposition. Also, she smells weird. Something else I learned from my research: all of the other girls pictured are single, extremely cool and really into 39 year old American football fans.
  9. I think I'd do every single one of them… except that mean looking chubby one on the far right.
  10. Yup. You could watch the transformation taking place last year, starting right around the time they beat the Bills. The team really responded to the challenge. They play with passion. They play like it's fun. They play like they believe they can beat anybody. As a fan, I am extremely jealous.
  11. Guinness Stout is one of the greatest achievements of human kind.
  12. JAIRUS: Hey Donte, we're here 'cuz it's our job--How come the fans still come every week? DONTE: That's a good question, man. I have no idea.
  13. The Annual Male Fantasy Parade kicked off this week. Seen here, "The Exactly 5' 2" Short-Haired Sexy Asian Guns & Skirts Brigade." Other acts included "The Naughty Slumber Party Pillow Fight" and "The Redhead Spongebath Nurses."
  14. Yeah, that blonde (upper left in the photo) was pretty hot. I agree about the baseball Annie girl--something creepy going on there. If I remember correctly, she was only on the show as a ringer to help ABC win the Battle of the Network Stars, as she was a freakishly talented lifeboat paddler.
  15. I'm a little worried that this thread my at some point lose some of its relevance.
  16. What, nobody else has any love for the super-adorable, young blue-eyed brunette girl-next-door Bradford? That's some grade-A 70's sweetness.
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