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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Me too. I'm probably gonna watch tonight. I'm curious to see if they can get more than 150 people in the stands.
  2. Maybe this time they gave him that super-strong alloy from outer space like Wolverine from the X-Men.
  3. Five weeks for a broken arm? Makes me a little nervous.
  4. Why do you rile yourself up with this stupid hate fantasy about what might happen in the future? Don't you have enough to complain about with what's happening right now?
  5. Wow. That's just awful for everyone involved.
  6. Short answer: Vick is much worse. (Not looking to rehash an already tired debate--just giving my point of view)
  7. I wouldn't say vindicated. Less villianized maybe. He would need to have some success somewhere else before we talk about vindication.
  8. I doubt I represent a very large portion of the Bills fan population, but I would walk away from the Bills if they signed Vick. I think next year's spin will be about a new coach. That's one of the major reasons Ralph is not pulling the trigger now. He can get a better PR punch if he does it after the season.
  9. 45 days suspension? Reform school? That's !@#$ing straight up crazy! Any time the word "zero" is next to the word "tolerance," get ready for stupid.
  10. That's your silver lining? Defeatism? You criticise "the leadership," but I don’t know why you bother. You are the same as them. Ditto to what ACor58 said, times 10.
  11. What's the point of an Ivy League education if you can't even put a sentence together? He always sounds like this. Nevermind the fact that the content of his statements is consistently offensive and dismissive--it's clear that he doesn't even have a firm grasp on his native language.
  12. Yup, I wanna see Dick running out onto the field throwing buckets of confetti at the refs, pretty girls invited to join in the hijinks, etc... We are the Washington Generals!
  13. They should keep the no huddle, but really spice it up. Make it really crazy, chinese fire drill style. Confuse all hell out of the defense. Guys lining up wherever they feel like it, false starts all over the place. For home games, they should play "Sweet Georgia Brown" over the PA. Also, lots and lots of flea-flickers.
  14. That explains the lousy wildcat idea… lack of oxygen to the brain.
  15. The problem with this conspiracy theory is that is presupposes that Ralph is capable of (1) coming up with a viable strategy and (2) implementing it successfully.
  16. Whether Jauron goes during or after the season, it seems like things will get worse before they get better. Still, I think I'll be looking back at this 6-3 loss to the Browns as a defining low point. This will always be the game that gave us… - Trent is not a Bills fan. He just works here. - Ralph could not face the boos. - Some guy named Derek Anderson went 2 for 17 for 23 yards and a pick. And won! - Nine false starts - Special teams used to save us--now they give the game away - Bills fans reach a critical mass of disappointment and betrayal--now feel numb indifference instead of pain
  17. What is the sound of no fans clapping?
  18. Obvious question: Did you get to do to your date what Ralph and his stooges have been doing to Bills fans for the last decade?
  19. That sums it up pretty well. Is she currently looking for a job? As far as I'm concerned, she can have her pick, either GM or head coach.
  20. Well, now days, they use more than just IQ to make the designation. But, roughly speaking, I think under 70 is where "MR" begins to apply.
  21. No, Roscoe is not technically mentally disabled. He falls into that category psychologists used to call "Dull Normal." IQ right around 80. Not quite normal intelligence, but not significantly impaired to qualify for government assistance or special consideration. Prognosis: Some possibility for independent living, but will need assistance in some areas, e.g., Doctor appointments, housekeeping, etc... Career options will include grocery cart chasing, NFL punt catching.
  22. We have all been Dick-Jauronified. The good news is we can never die. The bad news is that we are not really alive anymore. Also, we must feed on the flesh of the living.
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