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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. So true! 34-78-83 just mentioned how Rivers has the same "fire in his belly" that Kelly had. Consider that for a second. Now consider Trent Edwards. The contrast almost makes you dizzy.
  2. One. The loneliest number. How do I know this? Because of where I am... at the TOP, muffuggaz!
  3. I wonder if what he's experiencing is really Cluster Headaches. I've had classic migraines (not so much as I get older) and I get cluster headaches as well. They are related (vascular origin), but intense pain and regular recurrence, then they go away for a while--that more accurately describes cluster headaches. I can attest to the fact that the pain is truly intense. I had a bout with them this year that lasted about 6 weeks. No matter how strong you think you are, there will be times when you find yourself on the bathroom floor, writhing around begging for relief.
  4. 7… and 9, the number of the least! Coach like hell, and you're fired. Bound to be released! Duh-nuh nuh-nuh, duh-nuh nuh-nuh...
  5. My dog is Billie (see profile pic). We rescued her 12 years ago. Best decision I ever made.
  6. Careful, damj. I'll hang your noodles in the pantry so fast, your second place head will spin. You don't want to end up like poor Beerball.
  7. Don't worry about T.O., fellow. Worry about a proven winner: gringo starr.
  8. Now you're thinking straight. You know, I'm gonna need a vice champion. If you play your cards right, you just might find yourself on the team of losers assigned to help me appoint that person.
  9. Foot fault! Post disqualified. Winner: gringo starr.
  10. Well played, my soon-to-be-smoten nemesis.
  11. Oh my man, you gots to have a hot stylist! Don'tchoo know? First you get the fab -do. Then you get the respect. Then you get the cash. Then you get a top of the line toaster oven. Then you get the girlies!
  12. This confirms what I've suspected for a long time: The toaster oven is the apex of human achievement. It's been downhill ever since. This particle doodad discombobulator is nothing but a multi-billion dollar toaster oven.
  13. Ok, Mr. Giggles, guess who just landed himself on my wrath list? That's one helping of wrath for Cynical and one for Steely Dan. How do you like that, hot shot? As soon as you PM me your address, I'm gonna send out your custom supersize wrath package. We'll see who's laughing then, chuckle boy.
  14. SILENCE! I am your thread champion and master. Bow down before me or suffer my wrath or something.
  15. Not much happening with the national teams right now. The World Cup qualifying is pretty much wrapped up. In Europe, the focus is on the club teams in the early part of their seasons. The MLS playoffs are going on right now. The LA Galaxy, with Donovan and Beckham, play this Sunday against Chivas USA (7:30pm ET on ESPN2). It's game 2 of their match-up (the playoff format is a two game, home and home, aggregate goal series). They tied 2-2 in game one, so this game Sunday will decide who moves on to the conference final. I don't watch MLS very often, but like many sports, they bring it up a notch in the playoffs. And Donovan seems to have raised his level of play in the last year or so. It's fun to watch him work.
  16. I hope you don't mind, I used this line for my sig. I have no idea why.
  17. I'm not clear on the rules of Aussie football. How many points to you get for that?
  18. I really don't get how people are willing to accept this as ok. He tried to gouge his eyes! When Marcus Vick did his foot stomp, it was a huge deal. Yes, I know he already had a ton of issues and it was a last straw situation. But that stuff is nuts. That's not football. That's assault. And eye gouging is much worse in my opinion. Am I crazy?
  19. Oops, the previous 2,720 posts just became irrelevant. Winner = me.
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