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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Says creepily, bathrobed revenge = shiving well
  2. See... Stanley, Paul
  3. love is madness
  4. I did not say that. I think you lose your way sometimes when you hastily put words in other people's mouths. Those previous allegations didn't go anywhere because typically those kinds of allegations don't go anywhere (at least at any point in our history before about a month or two ago). I think it was generally understood that Trump was a creep and these claims were seen as kind of...meh, no big deal, typical powerful male behavior, locker room talk, etc... I would not make the claim that mainstream media ever covered up for Trump. I have eyes and can see that Trump is under intense scrutiny from the media. I didn't say what you said I did. As long as we're trading advice, I'd suggest that you tone down your tendency to make things personal and to make judgments where you don't have a full understanding.
  5. Sure, no doubt. Although some of those women had made their accusations previously, to practically zero fanfare. The package deal of allegations was conveniently anthologized at that time for a reason, no disputing that.
  6. Iceland!
  7. You're right. Didn't make much of a splash at all. I think that if the timing had been a little different, if the Trump accusations hit post-Weinstein, it could potentially have played out very differently. Trump might very well win again in 2020. If he does, I'll once again respect the democratic process and quietly curse the idiocritization of our society to myself and probably, yes, call my mommy and cry whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  8. A tactical point: I always liked going with the vague "stomach not so good..." type excuse. This conjures hints of things that people are unlikely to want details about . The causes could be various and you have some flexibility with the timeframe. Is it viral? Something you ate? Who knows? I haven't taken a sick day in over two years, but I always support someone's right to take the occasional "mental health" day if they feel the need. As long as it's not all the time and doesn't screw over coworkers too bad, I don't see it as a problem.
  9. whuddya gonna do?
  10. I was gonna try to make some comments about how some of the new young guys looked pretty good the other night for the USA in their friendly against Portugal. But it still feels very flat and pointless. Missing the WC sucks.
  11. much turmoil remains
  12. life: sad, beautiful
  13. **** white people do when nobody else is looking
  14. Did lamp consent?
  15. Lotsa good ones so far. I’ll add: Toshiro Mifune
  16. Hey Peter Man!
  17. I’m a participant!
  18. Oh crap, let me get right on that. I didn’t mean to deprive the group of your insightful comments.
  19. I’m not asking anyone to take my word for it. You can look this stuff up for yourself. Lots of articles about these accusations from a variety of sources. I thought this stuff was already common knowledge. It’s entirely possible that one or more of these are false. Funny though that many repubs are falling over themselves to hang Roy Moore, but with Trump, it’s silence, obfuscation, and clumsy diversions...very much like many of the responses here.
  20. Forgive me if I'm a little dense today. What is your point? I honestly can't quite tell. It seems to be that you're just advocating for defeatism. People are idiots. They don't care much about facts. Therefore, no point discussing facts. Or maybe it's just to point out that I'm being naïve somehow? I certainly won't dispute that people are idiots. Maybe it's just too tired of a task to point out the bad behavior of politicians? Is that it? I'm not clear.
  21. I'm not trolling. It's a legit question. If the answer is that these claims against Trump are frivolous, then that's an answer. But it's worth talking about. Why do you keep trying to make this personal? It's not about me. I'm trying to have a discussion. I think it's kind of nuts that I'm being called a troll here. Maybe you don't like my general point of view or you don't like me. But I'm not a troll. I've never been that here. Sometimes I make jokes. Sometimes I defend myself when others make personal attacks. Sometimes I make points in order to spark discussion. I'm not a !@#$ing troll. I've been around here 14 years. You've been here since March. Dial back the righteous bull **** a bit.
  22. Ok, but the accusations against Roy Moore are, generally, believed and those against Donald Trump are dismissed. Seems like the difference has to do with political expediency much more than it has to do with the actual merits of the claims.
  23. Seemed like a legit question to ask. Please tell me why you think the issue can be dismissed so casually. And, why are one person's jollies ok to scrutinize while another's are off limits somehow?
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