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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ok, this thread has finally gone too far with the silliness. Strollin' Bowling, Nintendo and now the Hokey Pokey. What the hell are we talking about? It is officially shut down for good! (i win)
  2. Key word: Let. Kermie likes it rough--what can I say?
  3. I know! I mean, how the hell would he even wear shoes or walk around. I guess it would have to look something like this.
  4. Longest TD run. Yeah, that is pretty amazing. He definitely is the right guy for right now. He is making some good things happen even with such poor protection.
  5. To paraphrase Freddie Mercury… I am the champion. I am the champion… of this thread.
  6. Yeah, she's pretty damn hot. I would not hesitate.
  7. I got-ta got-ta got-ta hand it to you, that's pretty funny.
  8. I've seen a little bit of this Facilitated Communication up close. Looks like a big hoax to me.
  9. I can't believe I have to go through this again… First you win the contest. Then you get the cash. Then you buy the new khakis. THEN you get the girls!
  10. I do have some leather shoes. It's just too hard to find any selection of non-leather shoes. I have a leather football too. Also, I eat eggs and cheese and yogurt. I feed meat-based foods to my dog and cat. When I stopped eating meat, about 12 years ago, my goal was to gradually increase my vigilance against animal abuse. It hasn't really played out that way. I guess it turns out that I care, but I don't care enough to make the really tough sacrifices. The morality of these things is something that I struggle with. Another factor is that it's not really in my personality to be a crusader or the kind of guy who is actively at odds with other people. The tendency to just be a regular person who does the regular things is very strong. Also, I happen to have a strong aversion to joining any club or movement. The mob mentality of the extremist vegan types is as frightening to me as the blind lunacy of religious nuts. The only "granfalloon" I belong to is this weird brotherhood of Bills Fans. The sad fact is that I just don't have the time or energy to always be the responsible consumer. The amount of research and vigilance required gets ridiculous and I kind of need to worry about other things and just live my life. I'm content with trying to be a good person, especially concerning the things that I can control day to day with the people (and animals) that I come into direct contact with. I can't deny there's some hypocrisy there, but I can live with it.
  11. I agree. Easily the worst Guns & Roses album.
  12. I love it how articles like this always tell you something right at the end that would be patently obvious to anyone who would bother to read the article in the first place. It's like you could be reading an article about something Hillary Clinton did this week and, at the end, they tell you, "Hillary's husband Bill was President of the United States for eight years during the 1990's."
  13. Ok, but if it's not whiskey, what the hell is it?
  14. Hmmm… see, well, right there is where we might start to get into an area that tends to get a little bit problematic. Probably the best thing would be to have your mechanic call one of the TSW moderators directly, to set up some kind of a third party billing situation.
  15. I'm not a vegan. Anyway, I regret having said anything about it. I have my reasons and I'm familiar with all the arguments. It was stupid of me to say anything at all about "manliness" as I know that has nothing to do with anything. I was really just trying to say to Poojer something like, yeah I’m with you. And he has promptly clarified that he's not really with me at all. Most of my friends eat meat and I really don't care. For me, I like animals and have decided I don't want to eat them. And I happen to believe that cruelty to animals should be avoided when possible. Really that's the extent of it. I would never be a hunter myself, but I don’t care if other people want to do that, especially guys who go out and eat what they kill. I do believe it's possible to hunt in a way that is respectful of what nature provides for us. Not really a big deal. I didn't mean to come off all preachy.
  16. I bet it did, you sick perverted bastard.
  17. I'm with you on this. I submit for consideration... perhaps it is a true lack of manliness that would cause someone to derive pleasure from killing a defenseless animal.
  18. Sounds like he should be an NFL owner instead of a UFL announcer.
  19. Just another post that begins and ends with NUTHIN!
  20. Yeah, but the scientists from the future, who already know the secrets of the universe, can travel back in time to the present to tell us all about it now, right? What the hell are they waiting for?
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