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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Wow, great deal. I just ordered one as a gift for a Seinfeld fan I know. Thanks!
  2. I have one and I use if for lots of stuff. But space is limited, especially when you're talking HD.
  3. I like to watch tv on dvd. In some cases, I intentionally avoid watching a show so I can watch it later on dvd. For me, it's a more enjoyable experience. No commercial breaks, I can watch episodes in bunches. I admit it's dorky and it's hard to justify the expense, but I like it.
  4. It will be there in a minute. I just finished "sweding" it.
  5. Great news everybody! This thread is back at the top of the page!
  6. That's surprising. It's a pretty amazing turnaround after failing to even qualify for the Euro2008.
  7. Easy now. If people keep saying stuff like that, it's gonna damage my credibility.
  8. I think it's about time for the image of person getting a hamburger rubbed in his/her face to replace the bald eagle as our national symbol.
  9. A lot of people out on the street have been talking about this thread, saying that the quality is declining. I don't know, I think they're nuts. It's as good as it's ever been.
  10. Winners never quit and jackers never lose. Or something like that.
  11. Oh man, I can't wait! I'm gonna watch almost every single game. My dvr will be smoking.
  12. I can't wait. I love this show. I feel like I need to re-watch the last season to re-acquaint myself with all the crazy storylines, mythologies, etc… Also, to get myself all hyped up. Hopefully somebody will get me the box set for x-mas. [hint hint]
  13. No problem. Maybe I should try this again. Then again, maybe not.
  14. What the article fails to mention is that this is actually the leading cause of death in Argentina. A lot of people don't know that.
  15. Um, I think the implication of donkey ball sucking is that the animal is not actually…[ahem]…harmed in the process. However, I could be wrong. I defer to the expert on the subject, Mr. Beerballs.
  16. Wow, Dib! That's maybe your best one yet.
  17. Sheesh! It was just that one time. I'll count all that as one reply, thank you very much.
  18. The exact text of the first five replies to this thread will be considered for my new sig line for the month of December. I'll put all five in a poll and the one with the most votes at 6pm ET today will be the winner. Note: The last time I did this, the words had a strange power. Jauron was promptly fired and the Bills immediately started to look like a legit NFL team.
  19. So he really is coming to the Bills. What's your source?
  20. Oh damn. Steely just burned me bad, with metaphysics!
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