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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. It doesn't matter if you're looking for an upright or not. The single most important thing to look for is the location of the dirtbag, which in Steely's case would be walking right behind the vacuum cleaner.
  2. I remember one time I was lost in a Roman wilderness of pain. Oh man, what an unpleasant weekend. Let me tell you though, and you can take my word on this, do NOT take a face from the ancient gallery and walk on down the hall. You will regret it. I promise you, nothing good ever comes from that ancient gallery business. Hoo boy! Also, the blue bus is kind of a ripoff too. I mean, the driver won't even tell you where he's going! It's ridiculous.
  3. This just in: The Washington Generals coach just officially declined to interview for the Bills opening.
  4. Are the Washington Generals still the opponent?
  5. I know that sex addiction is a real thing, but I suspect it way over-diagnosed. How many people are really just plain cheaters who use the "sex-addict" thing as a crutch?
  6. I think there's a danger that a statement like that could come off as a desperate plea for credibility and could weaken their position. Someone who is genuinely in control doesn't feel the need to say so. Not to say that anyone is panicking yet at OBD, but it's probably not best to draw attention to the fact that the options are dwindling somewhat.
  7. You may be right. One thing in his favor: HE ACTUALLY LOOKED GOOD AND WON A GAME IN WINTRY WEATHER!
  8. That's very true. I live in Atlanta--I'm a Sabres fan. The games I've been to, I see more cheering for the Sabres than the Thrashers.
  9. It's funny how people's tight-ass morals can be bent when they see a financial angle. Anyway, it's about time. Hopefully the rest of the country will follow close behind. At the very least, decriminalization. Or, if you still want to bust people, make it a $50 fine, mail it in and that's it. Stop clogging up the jails and justice system with this dumb crap. (And I don't even smoke pot.)
  10. You can't stop rock and roll. Believe me, I know. Occasionally, I will rock well into the evening hours. Sometimes even all night long and up until, as they say, the break of dawn. I cannot stop it. You cannot stop it. No one can. Do not make the mistake, as some have, of assuming that rock and roll is noise pollution. It aint. Also, be prepared to contend with many of its enthusiasts who are more than adequately prepared to fight for what they hold to be their right to party. In fact, despite your best efforts, they will continue to do just that, EV-ER-Y day.
  11. Yup, I remember that. I got the Planet Earth dvd box as a gift. It's great stuff.
  12. Maybe we should try to get BOTH of these guys. This teams chews up QB's and spits them out like sunflower seeds.
  13. Uh… just so you know: This message board does not function with a single cohesive unified consciousness. It's made up of individuals with differing opinions. That's why you are seeing a wide range of reactions. Not so much bipolar as simply diverse.
  14. It's hard to fathom how catastrophic this is to the people of Haiti. Even the low death toll estimates represent a significant reduction of their country's population, which is around 10 million. If you consider the numbers of injured, homeless, bereaved, out of a job, etc…, it's crushing.
  15. I'm not normally big on historical fiction, but I recently read City of Thieves by David Benioff and loved every second of it. It's one man's account of his experiences during the siege of Leningrad. David Benioff is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. His short story collection, When the Nines Roll Over is really great too.
  16. Wow, I just heard about this. It looks really really terrible.
  17. Smoking Loon and the Mondavi are the only ones of these I've tried. I have a gift cert for a wine store leftover from Christmas. I'm gonna make a trip this week and keep an eye out for some of these. Thanks for the suggestions.
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