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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Wow, I didn't see this thread until just now. Get well soon, Beerball. We're all rooting for you!
  2. Sinatra and Salinger were talented artists to the extent that they helped define music and literature in the 20th Century. What did the press want to talk to you about? Your neighbors' complaints of strange smells coming from your house?
  3. Rest in peace. I doubt another writer will ever make a bigger impression on me. Catcher in the Rye knocked me off my feet as a young person. Then I gobbled up his other books and they were just as powerful. A big part of my growing up.
  4. [gringo enters; sees damj and Steely staring at each other intently, a strange tension in the room] What the hell is going on here? Why are there lemons on the floor? You two better clean up this mess before Beerball gets back.
  5. Pfff, I don't even care about that. I just made a date with a new girl. She's an eighteen year old vixen. She lives with her mom and she only has a ninth grade education and she likes to cut the heads off of dead dogs she finds on the side of the road and boil their heads, but she seems pretty cool. She has career goals.
  6. I think it's gonna be really really good. I'm not just saying that. I genuinely believe that season 2 of the T.O. show is going to be a masterpiece of entertainment. I literally cannot wait for it to start. I've been having panic attacks and accidents in my pants just due to the anticipation, which is unbearable to me. The time I spend watching the T.O. show is aglow with what I believe to be the single greatest joy that a human being can experience. I am not being even a tiny bit facetious about any of this. It is my favorite thing it the world. I swear to god. I love it!
  7. Good Morning. Did everyone make it in ok, with the right clothes on and without crapping himself?
  8. Wow! I hadn't read any updates on Davies. That is great news. Recently Clint Dempsey got lucky too. He wrenched his knee playing for Fulham. The initial reports were ligament tears, surgery required, out for the rest of the year. But somehow the MRI's looked ok. He'll be back in just a few weeks. Hopefully Onyewu will make it back too. Man, I can't wait for the WC!
  9. Ok, I did something incredibly stupid this morning. I think I am finally ready to laugh about it... I'm getting ready for work this morning and I see that the shirt I want to wear is a little wrinkled, so I decide to throw it in the dryer for a few minutes. Meanwhile, I throw on a t-shirt and proceed feeding my cat and dog, then I put on a jacket and take my dog out for a poop walk. Etcetera… Cut to me driving, almost all the way to work and I realize that I'm wearing this ratty old t-shirt with holes in it. Turn the car around, I am a jackass. I may not win this thread, but I definitely win the jackass of the day award.
  10. I hate these cap casualties. I always liked Jabari. I'll be rooting for him in the SB.
  11. Bills and Lions led the league in players on IR. That's no accident. It's more than just strength and conditioning. Never underestimate the power(lessness) of a defeatist attitude. The tendency to get hurt is increased when players are overmatched, out of position, in a lousy scheme and lacking confidence.
  12. Too much Riboflavin. Rookie mistake.
  13. I happen to be picking the Jets in this one, but I don't see it happening like this at all. Blatant homerism. Really though, can you blame 'em? If the Bills were playing this weekend, I'd be so giddy, my mind would be oatmeal.
  14. These are tough games to pick. I think I like the Vikings over the Saints. The Vikings just have more talent across the board I think. Either team would be a worthy super bowl team. Jets / Colts. I think the Jets have a very good chance of pulling off the upset. The Colts are definitely the real thing, but I think the Jets have the hunger and the pure aggression on both sides of the ball to make a miracle. They are peaking at exactly the right time.
  15. Whopper & a Bud Light? = Nickelback
  16. The whole world gets Rosened by 2020? What's your source? What does nevergiveup have to say about this?
  17. I pop in here all the time, just to stir things up… like Deerball's house.
  18. Hmm... you might have something there. Wolves might still take it because only girls like unicorns, but both sexes dig wolves. It's probably close though.
  19. Interesting fact about wolves: They are far and away the most popular animal to be depicted by airbrush on white sweatshirts.
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