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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I watch that television program. I like to save up two or three episodes at a time on my dvr and then feast on the mystery. I haven't watched last night's Hurley episode yet, but I hear it was a big one.
  2. The chances will be much improved if Onyewu, Davies and Holden can make it back healthy. I’d be very happy even with a draw. If we don’t get out of the group, it will be a huge disappointment.
  3. Prediction for June 12: USA 2 – England 1
  4. Being alone in your own universe is kind of lonely. I thought I’d check in and see how all you figments of my imagination are doing. About ready to stage a mutiny, I see. Damn lousy figments.
  5. Ha ha ha! I finally figured it out. I just put every single one of you bastards on ignore. Therefore, this is the last post and I’m the WINNER! (Solipsism is true, but not for you!)
  6. I’m sorry to hear about your friend. It seems like a cruel twist of fate that a dog’s lifespan can’t be longer. They sure make a big impression while they’re here.
  7. "Yeah, so like these two pitbulls actually chewed the baby's testicles right off. Yeah...I thought you'd like that one."
  8. I wasn’t even aware that Gary Shandling was an Alouicious, but he gets my vote. First runner up: Daffy Duck
  9. I'll take some of the happy, please. It’s been a long time since my mind has known that particular expansion. The problem is that at this point in my life I don’t seem to have any of the right kind of hippie-type friends who could hook me up.
  10. Ahhh, ok. That makes a lot more sense. I was assuming he was talking about his company’s Shady Dealings dept.
  11. It’s gonna sound like I’m making this up, but I actually use “Jimmy” as a term of affection. I call my girlfriend Jimmy (instead of “honey” or “sweetheart” etc...) So I guess my favorite Jimmy is MY Jimmy.
  12. He is definitely one of the all-time greats. But I'm not sure how much he fits into the CURRENT category due to the fact that he died a few years ago. [EDIT: Granted, he’s still funnier than Dane Cook.]
  13. Boy, I hope WWVaBeach's conference call goes ok. Those bastards in SD are always screwing everything up.
  14. Anybody else love this band? They’ve been around for a while, but they seem to be really hitting their stride. Last year’s album, Attack & Release was a masterpiece. And the singer/songwriter/guitarist, Dan Auerbach, released a solo album, Keep It Hid, which was excellent too. I think they will have a another new record coming out pretty soon. Awesome band!
  15. Oh my god! That is just too disturbing. That poor poor little kid. Stop the world—I wanna get off.
  16. Great news everybody: my foot hurts!
  17. The more I think about the universe, the more I simply just don't much care for it. I'd shut the whole thing down, but that would take too much paperwork. And the only thing I hate more than the universe is paperwork.
  18. No, they are not. However, it does illustrate the dangers of hero worship. [EDIT: ...says the guy with the LOSMAN jersey hanging in his closet]
  19. Sure. John Wawrow got drunk and told us all about his disappointment in our constantly boring and banal replies. The overall quality of posts increased significantly as a result. Among other things, a happy consensus was reached on the discussion of a unified theory of physics, the origin of the universe and mankind’s ultimate purpose. Then Beerball kept insisting it’s Friday when it’s not and everything kind of fell apart again.
  20. This proves, not only that life exists throughout the universe, but that (as I’ve always suspected) extraterrestrials are workout freaks.
  21. That’s a pretty cool theory! What it lacks in empirical verifiability, it makes up for in hipness.
  22. That’s how they get ya! They set you up all nice with the free trial version and then just when you realize that your whole human race is fatally flawed, they jack you up with all the fees and surcharges. You thought your phone bill was a mess!...
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