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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ok, Jessica Biel is gonna play the wife. I just got off the phone with her agent. There are a few conditions: - She dresses real sexy, lots of tight little half shirts (I don't think we have any problem there). - She's completely loyal to Wawrow, but she's not gonna do any kissing or real close-up stuff with Loggia (apparently she's worked with him before and says he smells bad). - The wife finds Jack's idiotic antics endearing. Everytime Wawrow wants to kick him out, the wife talks him out of it.
  2. The show will be called “Just Jack.” John Wawrow is the gruff, no nonsense, hard-drinking, veteran newspaper guy. I'm thinking Robert Loggia in this role. Jack is a wide-eyed optimist who's recently down on his luck. Due to some vague, never-clarified sense of obligation, Wawrow lets Jack move in and sleep on his couch. Obviously Michael Cera will play Jack. It's a modern day odd couple. Let the hilarity ensue.
  3. Eeegad! The cans on this girl! I cast a vote for this girl. Deborah Ann Woll. She's on the show, True Blood, which I hate, but my girlfriend likes. She's supposed to be like a vampire or something.
  4. I’ll be testing the limits of my dvr for those few weeks. Luckily the first USA game, against England, is on 6/12 which is a Saturday.
  5. And if you anagram it, you get: horn jaw, wow!
  6. I don't know--I think it's a little hasty to look at this as a positive. I kind of want my team's QB to be an "anything's possible" kind of guy.
  7. Dammit! I hit 4,000 posts and I didn’t even notice it. I had a big party planned with free prizes for everybody who showed up. Forget it now.
  8. I like Sarah Silverman. I think she's very funny. And cool. And pretty.
  9. When I read the part about the fake Chinese hymens, “made of elastic and filled with fake blood,” I couldn’t help imagining the people who work in that factory in China that makes these things. It’s such a powerful image of absurdity, my mind almost imploded thinking about it. The Dark Ages are not entirely a thing of the past.
  10. The World Cup starts June 11.
  11. I’ve never really understood this argument. I don’t know how you can expect a bartender to keep track of the level of inebriation of every patron of a busy club. If somebody pukes on the bar, sure—that idiot’s had enough. But how do you keep track of the people who never even step up to the bar because their friends are getting rounds for them or maybe they showed up only for a brief time and were loaded already or maybe they do a bunch of shots real fast and it hits them hard after they walk outside, etc... I agree that a bartender has a responsibility to some extent, but they are not omniscient.
  12. Here's a quandry-a: How do people get so !@#$ing stupid?
  13. Yeah, yeah, that's real good. Now get up and brush yourself off, you're embarrassing yourself. And take it easy on the cough syrup.
  14. Have a great birthday, Joe, wherever you are!
  15. Damn chaos! It’s always messing everything up for me. Can’t we get some kind of filing system together to get this crazy universe organized?
  16. Last post mine / harmony of universe restored / you're welcome.
  17. I would totally fight you right now, but I don't want to ruin my brand new sequin vest and top hat.
  18. A random horror selection: Severance. Really fun and entertaining movie.
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