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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. It grosses me out, people who use that no-rinse antibacterial hand gel all the time and think their hands are clean. I guess, technically, they are disinfected, but you still have all that greasy dirty **** on your hands.
  2. No, that's what we old people call takin' a poop.
  3. The real concern with 3D glasses is that when you wear them you are exposed to highly toxic, dangerous, formulaic, unforgivably terrible screenwriting.
  4. It'll be interesting to see if any weird associations get burned into your brain. Maybe a couple years from now a Simpsons rerun will come on and you'll start grunting, breathing hard and sweating.
  5. Speaking of Tiger Woods, what’s up with Nike? They are sticking with Tiger Woods and Roethlisberger as the faces of their brand? I’m surprised that people are not organzing boycotts. Nike, the cheatin’est, rapin’est sneaker you can buy.
  6. Really? With all the stuff that's come out, I really do hate the fugger as a human being and I would not want to root for him on my team. But you have to admit that he's good at playing the position.
  7. This is very very true, but I didn’t want to burden the birthday boys with my soccer crusade. This is supposed to be a fun day for them. They already get enough exposure to dull, low-scoring sports as Bills fans.
  8. What's that, some kind of support group for over the hill, out of shape guys with moobs?
  9. Gustav Holst looks like a humorless Woody Allen. I'm so sorry, you are disqualified.
  10. Ha! What do you know? You think you can stop me? If this were an 80's movie, I would totally cue up the montage of me training hard to be the best. You know why? Cuz I'm the best...Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep me down. I'm the Best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep me dow-ow-ow-ho-how-ho-own... INSPIRING GUITAR SOLO
  11. I don't know. What were you aiming at?
  12. I haven't won anything in a long long time. Boy, if I could just catch a break and win this thread, that would really help me out a lot. Things would really be looking up for ol' gringo.
  13. I remember a while ago (a couple seasons ago maybe) the producers made a point of mentioning that, although not all the main characters will be left standing at the end, they will guarantee one character makes it through... Vincent.
  14. Welcome! Please, please... tell us... what's it like?
  15. Tell me about it. I’m on decade three of my awkward teenage years.
  16. Well, Wawrow wants to go high-concept with this thing, so we’re trying to avoid these types of clichés. How are you with accents? We may have you read for the Argentinian ex-circus ringmaster who runs the clown business that Jack keeps getting fired from.
  17. So is there gonna be some kind of Executive Producer credit for me on this thing?
  18. Vera Farmiga, absolutely! And I like Ricky Gervais a lot too. Mark Ruffalo? Really? He creeps me out a little.
  19. Yes, this is very good. Only, we have some re-tooling to do. Loggia doesn't work with Brits. Biel won't work with kids. And the title, "You Don't Know Jack: The Clown Chronicles" is not available. Apparently, that's the exact title of Jack Palance's first autobiography. Hoo boy! And now Cera's pissed off. This always happens. Show biz!
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