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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I get confused with 3-name actresses... Mary Louise Parker Penelope Ann Miller Mary Stuart Masterson Mary Elizabeth Mastroantonio etc...
  2. So now your big claim to victory is "gringo starr said so?" Ha! Good luck with that one! Don't you know: nobody listens to me.
  3. I can't remember exactly: Didn't Richard drink from the wine? I know that Jacob offered him some and then gave his analogy of the island as the cork. Did they show Richard actually drink it?
  4. I liked it. Yes, it raised more questions than it answered. But something about this episode is kind of haunting. It made me have weird dreams last night. There’s such a sadness at the core of the Lost story. The sadness that humanity can never stop destroying itself. I understand how people see the whole “protecting the light” thing as hokey. The way this show has building with such huge themes... I don’t think it’s possible to meet all the expectations of the fans when it comes time to reveal the central mythology. Anyway, that stuff is out of the way, now we can see how they reconcile the two alternate time-line universes.
  5. Chances are I was not really drunk. Lately I've been trying to get in shape a bit. My imbibing has decreased, although I have been known to enjoy a snifter of port at the holidays. Of course, I reserve the right to define "holidays" as loosely as I want (to include things like foreign bank holidays, weekends, Flag Day, birthdays of fellow TBD members, any day preceding a day that I feel likely to call in sick for, etc...)
  6. Yeah, but I was pretty drunk when I said that. Plus, that was before I decided that I want to win it for myself.
  7. Yeah, I'm sorry, the jury came back on that one and it doesn't hold water. The rules of shotgun© are very clear: it only applies to the front passenger seat of a vehicle, i.e., the "shotgun seat." As it stands right now, the winner of this thing is me. Thank you, gringo starr, esquire
  8. Oh, I think he'll end up paying a bit more than that.
  9. Yeah, well, after you watch couple games, you may not feel so lucky anymore.
  10. I got the same score. Not me. I turn 40 next month.
  11. All sports are pretty silly if you look hard enough. The silliest thing about baseball is the old overweight managers having to wear the same exact uniforms as the players. The silliest thing about football is the ref having to speak to the crowd with a microphone to explain whatever convoluted ruling just took place. The silliest thing about soccer is the fake crying and rolling around on the ground and then promptly hopping off the stretcher right back into the game. The silliest thing about hockey is that they wear shorts.
  12. Well, I'll say it, since nobody else seems to have the majuscules. Why the hell would we want somebody with no majuscules to be the winner? I mean, how would you even perform the dutes of thread champion?
  13. Happy Birthday, you two nutty bastards! Have a great day!
  14. Ah, ok. I’ve never heard of that, so I just looked it up here. I'm not so sure your claim is going to be legally binding, for long anyway. It seems it's only good for five minutes. p.s., I win. Triple finalsies. No takebacks. Seal it, stamp it, mail it in. Done deal. I'll take my trophy and check now, please. See ya at the parade.
  15. I think I might be stupid. I don't know what this means.
  16. Maybe so, but is she cool enough to win this thread?
  17. I'm sorry I left you off. Revised: Will it be... Wawrow, with his “Shotgun?” gringo starr, with his logical deduction? Beerball, with his... uh,... I guess “joie de vivre” and creative interpretation of the word “Friday?” Just Jack, with his endearing natural sense of whimsy? Rfeynman, with his absurdist, indecipherable screen name? /dev/null, for starting this whole mess? Lana, for her intriguing mysterious workout routine? CountDorkula for his...canning ability BuffaloBill for his uncanny sense of rhythm and haunting sultry eroticism? Some other jerk? Who knows?
  18. Satellite's gone up to the skies Thing like that drive me out of my mind
  19. I think it’s about time we turn this whole thing over to the Supreme Court to decide a winner. Will it be... Wawrow, with his “Shotgun?” gringo starr, with his logical deduction? Beerball, with his... uh,... I guess “joie de vivre” and creative interpretation of the word “Friday?” Just Jack, with his endearing natural sense of whimsy? Rfeynman, with his absurdist, indecipherable screen name? /dev/null, for starting this whole mess? Lana, for her intriguing mysterious workout routine? Some other jerk? Who knows?
  20. The last post wins. This is the last post. Therefore, I win. There, I have conclusively demonstrated, by Modus Ponens, that I am the winner. You cannot argue with sound deduction. Anyone who would persist in denying the perfect logic of my championship is clearly a senseless maniac and will be taken away immediately for high security mental health rehabilitation.
  21. These !@#$s are playing silly silly games with our lives.
  22. Hi, my name is Beerball. I am one of the many losers of the Last Post Wins thread. I never really had a chance, but I pretended I did and I'm very sorry for wasting everyone's time. I know now that gringo starr is the true champion. I'm so so sorry. I hope you all can forgive me. There you go, there's a speech for ya.
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